Iymbali for Imbali💐

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The next morning Sphiwo is woken up by the sound of loud knocking on her door .

Sphiwo : I'm coming!!

Sphiwo's POV:

I slip out of my bed and slide my slippers on with the sun peeping through my curtains and hitting me on my face , I grab my silk gown hanging from behind my door and put it on while making my way to the kitchen and I open the door for the man in a black tuxedo standing in front of my door .

The man: Sawubona Nkosazane , Ngiyaxolisa ukukuphazamisa kodwa ngabe nguwe lentokazi abathi uSphiwesihle Maphumulo ?

The man: Sawubona Nkosazane , Ngiyaxolisa ukukuphazamisa kodwa ngabe nguwe lentokazi abathi uSphiwesihle Maphumulo ?

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Sphiwo:( with a concerned look on her face) Yebo yimina.

The man: Igama lami uMandlendoda , ngithunywe lana uBafana Mthembu ebethi ngishiye lokhu nawe .

He hands me my car keys with a note attached to them.

Sphiwo: My keys ,Ngiyabonga.

Mandlendoda: Kubonga mina Nkosazana .

The man leaves and I close the door and walk to my lounge with my keys still in my hand and look out the window and see my car parked at the same spot he parked his car yesterday evening , I smile at myself remembering what happened yesterday .I read the note and it says " Good morning Mashimane omuhle I hope you slept well ,call me when you see this note ." I look at the note but I don't see his number anywhere on it , I turn the note around and there it is , I go back to my room and take my phone out the charger and dial the number on the note.

Bafana: Sawubona Ntombenhle

Sphiwo: ( blushing) Good morning Bafana

Bafana : uyaphila kodwa mama?

Sphiwo: Ngiyaphila wena unjani ?

Bafana: hai ngikhona , ngiyethemba ukuthi ulale kahle emva kwayizolo?

Sphiwo: I slept like a baby .

Bafana: Ohh hai, kwakuhle ukuzwa lokho , laleka kune suprise lapha emotweni yakho ngiyethemba ukuthi uzoyi jabulela kancono kunama flower newine yayizolo.

Sphiwo: Hawu kaze yini lokho .

Bafana: ungalivale ucingo ,iyemotweni yakho nje wena .

Sphiwo: okayyy

I leave my apartment and go to the parking area and unlock my car and open the door and to my surprise there's a big bouquet of flowers on the passenger seat .

Sphiwo: (shocked ) Bafanaaa!

I carefully take the flowers out the car careful not to damage them.

Bafana: Uyawathanda?

Sphiwo : Kakhulu Bafana Ngiyabonga , ngiwajabulele kakhulu kunalawa ayizolo.

Bafana: Ngiyajabula ukuzwa lokho .

Holding my phone against my ear with my shoulder, I close the door and lock my car and head back to my apartment and I place my flowers on the kitchen counter .

(playing softly in the background: Dlala by Zingah)


aaaahhhhh sqeda ukwazana wena
Kodwa ngiyak'gcwala wena

aaaaahhhhhhhh ngathi ngiyak'gcwala wena
cela ukukvala wena

Bafana: Any plans for today ?

Sphiwo : Well , I'm going to the mall..... I have a business to run then I'm probably going to have a few glasses of wine with Angel then go home .

Bafana: Ubani manje uAngel ?

Sphiwo: Angel is my best friend .

Bafana: ohh,Can I pick you up for dinner?

Sphiwo: Yes you can .

Bafana : I'll pick you up around 6:45( quarter to seven) ?

Sphiwo: Ok no problem.

Bafana: Ngizokbona ntambama ube nosuku oluhle olfana nawe.

Sphiwo : Ngiyabonga

Bafana's POV:

We both hang up the phone and my sister Nonkululeko walks in my office with some documents in her hands.

Nonkululeko: In my 24 years of existence I've never seen you blush the way you were blushing right now.

Nonkululeko: In my 24 years of existence I've never seen you blush the way you were blushing right now

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Bafana: nx, awukahle Lulu .

Lulu: Ngemphela , kaze ubani lo okblushisa kangaka uze ukhiphe neyifaca.

Bafana: Eyyy.... uyabona lengane Lulu... ingenza ngizizwe ngenye indlela , ave ithandeka leyangane ende futhi ngathi-

Lulu: Ngathi uyayithanda ?

There's a bit of silence between us as I think of what to say next .

Bafana: Cha....kodwa umangimthanda ikuphi inkinga?

Lulu: Ayikho inkinga , kodwa mina ngiyakwazi Bafana, love is not meant for people like you you're better of alone....and she's better of without you. Awucabange nje Bafana sekthiwa mina ngijola nomfana ofana nawe , into ongayithini nje leyo?

Bafana : ( feeling a little irritated ) Eyy umdala nawe Nonkululeko uzozibona ukuthi wenzanjani.

Irritated I leave my office leaving Lulu behind .

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