For You, My Love (Neji x Reader)

978 18 10

The plan was simple: gather intel, report back, and retreat under the cover of darkness. But as Y/n peered through the scope of their binoculars, a group of enemy ninjas emerged from the shadows, weapons glinting in the moonlight. The situation escalated faster than they could react.

"Y/n, we need to fall back," Neji's voice was low and urgent as he caught Y/n's eye.

But before they could make their escape, chaos erupted. Y/n's instincts kicked in, and they fought valiantly alongside Neji, their movements fluid and synchronized. It was in the midst of the battle that Y/n caught a glimpse of a figure lurking in the shadows—a masked enemy who had managed to flank them.

A split-second decision made Y/n push Neji out of the way just as the masked figure unleashed a deadly jutsu. The blast hit Y/n directly, and in that heart-stopping moment, time seemed to slow. Y/n's body was engulfed in a blinding light, and the explosion sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

Neji's anguished cry echoed through the night as he was thrown back by the force of the blast. When the smoke cleared, Y/n lay motionless on the ground, their chakra fading like a flickering candle. Neji staggered to their side, his heart pounding in his chest as he knelt beside them.

"No, Y/n. You can't leave me," Neji's voice trembled, his hands hovering over Y/n's still form.

Y/n's eyes fluttered open, a weak smile tugging at their lips as they met Neji's gaze. "Neji, I'm... glad I could protect you."

Tears welled up in Neji's eyes as he cradled Y/n's fragile form, their breaths growing fainter with each passing second. Their fingers brushed against Neji's cheek, and with a soft sigh, Y/n's eyes closed for the last time.

In the midst of the battlefield, amid the clash of steel and the scent of blood, Neji held Y/n close, their life slipping away like the fragile petals of a wilting flower. And as the moon cast its solemn light upon them, Neji's grief echoed through the night, a lament for a love that had been taken too soon.

The village of Konoha was no stranger to tragedy, yet the loss of Y/n had cast a shadow that seemed to stretch endlessly. Neji Hyūga stood before the memorial stone, his gaze unseeing as memories of Y/n flooded his mind. Their laughter, their shared training sessions, the way their eyes met in moments of unspoken understanding—each memory felt like a piercing knife to his heart.

The mission had gone awry. Neji could still hear the echoes of battle, the urgency in Y/n's voice, and the final, heart-wrenching cry that had left his lips as he held them in his arms. They were gone, leaving Neji with a void he could never fill.

Weeks passed in a blur of pain and emptiness. Neji withdrew from those around him, his once-sharp focus now clouded by grief. It was during this haze of sorrow that he stumbled upon a stack of letters, each addressed to him in Y/n's delicate handwriting.

The first letter trembled in his hands as he broke the seal. The words on the page were a bittersweet symphony of memories and love—a reflection of the bond they had shared. As he read, tears streamed down Neji's face, a mix of pain and a glimmer of warmth seeping into his heart.

Dearest Neji,

By the time you read this, I will be gone. I want you to know that I cherish every moment we spent together. You showed me a world beyond my expectations, a world filled with friendship, love, and unwavering support. Please don't blame yourself for what happened—our paths were destined to intertwine, and I'm grateful for every second we had.

Remember that you are strong, and you have a heart that can mend even in the face of the greatest losses. Find solace in the memories we shared, in the lessons we learned from each other. And when you're ready, let yourself heal.

With all my love,


Neji clutched the letter to his chest, a mix of emotions swirling within him. Y/n's words were a lifeline, a way to reach through the darkness that had consumed him. Slowly, he began to read each subsequent letter, discovering Y/n's wisdom, love, and hope for him.

With time, Neji emerged from his isolation, sharing Y/n's letters with their friends and finding support in their shared memories. He dedicated himself to training, not just for his own growth, but to honor Y/n's spirit and the lessons they had imparted.

And in the stillness of early mornings, Neji would visit the memorial stone, his hand tracing Y/n's name. He could almost hear their laughter on the wind, the whispers of their bond that transcended life and death.

With Y/n's words as his guide, Neji began to heal, carrying their memories and love with him as he walked a path toward acceptance and the promise of a new dawn.

remember to stay safe! and comment!!

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