Sasuke's Betrayal (Part 2)

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As Y/N persisted in her efforts to mend her bond with Sasuke, she began to notice something that shattered her hopes even further. She stumbled upon various instances where Sasuke had been seen with Sakura Haruno, their teammate. These encounters seemed more than just casual interactions.


[Private Chat Between Y/N and Ino]

Ino: Hey Y/N?

Y/N: Hey Ino what happened? why do you look so distressed even on chat?

Ino: i- just look at this

Ino: i- just look at this

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Y/N: ....

Ino: Y/N? are you okay? please dont do something which you will regret okay? and just know that ill be here for you all of us are here for you

Y/N: thank you for letting me know this Ino appreciate it

~Back to the Present~

One evening, as she roamed the village, Y/N overheard a hushed conversation between two villagers, discussing Sasuke and Sakura's relationship.

"Have you heard?" one villager whispered. "Sasuke and Sakura seem to be getting quite close."

The words struck Y/N like a blow to the chest. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The idea of him forming a romantic connection with Sakura shattered her heart.

Unable to ignore the mounting evidence, Y/N confronted Sasuke with tears in her eyes. "Is it true, Sasuke? Were you in a relationship with Sakura while we were dating?"

Sasuke's expression hardened, confirming her worst fears. "What does it matter to you, Y/N? It's none of your business."

Y/N was devastated. Not only had her attempts to reconcile with her boyfriend failed, but she had also discovered that he had formed a bond with someone else. The pain of rejection and betrayal cut deeper than she could have ever imagined.

Y/N couldn't bear the weight of her shattered hopes and the pain of betrayal any longer. She made a difficult decision - to sever the bonds with both Sasuke and Sakura for eternity. She realized that holding onto the hope of reconciliation was causing her more pain than anything else.

She confronted Sasuke one final time, her voice trembling with sadness and anger. "Sasuke, I've tried so hard to mend our bond, but you've chosen a different path. I can't keep clinging to a hope that doesn't exist. Consider this the end for us."

Sasuke's stoic facade remained unchanged as he responded, "So be it."

With that, Y/N walked away, her heart heavy with sorrow and resentment. She knew that severing the bond with him was the only way to protect her own heart from further pain.

As for Sakura, Y/N distanced herself from their once-close friendship, unable to bear the reminders of the betrayal that had torn her world apart. She sought solace in the company of others who had experienced similar heartaches, finding support in unexpected places.

In the end, Y/N had to accept that not all bonds could be mended, and some wounds ran too deep to heal. She was left with the painful knowledge that she had lost not only the love of her life but also a friend she had cherished for so long.


remember to stay safe! and comment!! also can you tell that i despise Sasuke? well i do

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