I Hope This Doesn't Find You (Kakashi x Reader)

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hi again, I hope im not boring you with Kakashi stories hehe anyways here's another one~
(do let me know if you want me to write on any other characters)

Y/N was known as the epitome of a perfect student. Her academic prowess, dedication, and impeccable demeanor made her a standout at the university. However, behind the facade of perfection, she harbored a secret: an intense rivalry with Kakashi, another top student in the same program.

In the bustling halls of the modern university, Y/N appeared composed and unruffled, yet her mind buzzed with a hidden fury. She meticulously drafted a series of emails, each filled with meticulously composed insults and scathing remarks about Kakashi's achievements. They were never sent, serving only as an outlet for her frustrations and a way to cope with the simmering jealousy she felt towards him.

Meanwhile, Kakashi, blissfully unaware of Y/N's seething resentment, opened his inbox to a flood of unread messages. The subject lines ranged from benign class updates to urgent reminders, but one thread stood out-marked by an unusually high count of 42 unread emails.

Curiosity piqued, Kakashi clicked on the thread. His eyes widened as he read through the meticulously crafted hate-filled emails. Shock coursed through him as he realized the sender was none other than Y/N-the very person he held no ill will towards.

Perplexed by the sudden barrage of hostility, Kakashi couldn't fathom why Y/N, the perfect student, would harbor such animosity towards him. He tried to rationalize her actions, wondering if he had unintentionally triggered her in some way.

Unbeknownst to Kakashi, Y/N struggled with conflicting emotions. Her hatred towards him stemmed not from any personal disdain, but from the intense pressure she felt to maintain her reputation as the best. She admired Kakashi's intelligence and skill but resented how effortlessly he seemed to excel.

As days turned into weeks, the tension between them remained unspoken, their interactions limited to polite nods and strained smiles during lectures. Y/N continued to pour her frustrations into her unsent emails, venting about Kakashi and his seemingly effortless success.

In one of her late-night sessions, Y/N found herself typing a particularly venomous email. Her fingers flew across the keyboard, vividly describing scenarios where Kakashi begged for her forgiveness, his pride shattered, and Y/N reveled in his defeat.

However, a fateful slip of the mouse led to her worst nightmare-a dreadful 'send' instead of 'delete.' Horror consumed her as she watched the email vanish into the digital ether, destined for Kakashi's inbox.

Panicked, Y/N desperately attempted to retract the message, but it was too late. The damage was done.

In the days that followed, an air of tension lingered between Y/N and Kakashi. He had received the unexpected email, leaving him bewildered and hurt by the harsh words that he knew weren't meant for his eyes.

Confrontation seemed inevitable.


Y/N summoned the courage to approach him, her heart pounding in her chest. "Kakashi, I need to talk to you. About those emails... I'm really sorry. They were never meant for you to see."

Kakashi, still taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, regarded Y/N with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "I received them. I admit, I was confused at first. They were... unexpected, to say the least."

"I know it's no excuse, but I never meant any of those words for you. They were my way of dealing with my own insecurities and frustrations," Y/N explained, her voice tinged with regret.

Kakashi nodded, his expression softening as he understood the underlying turmoil. "I see. I didn't realize... I had no idea you were feeling that way."

Y/N sighed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders as she continued, "I've been under so much pressure to be the perfect student that it felt like I was drowning in expectations. But that's not an excuse for what I wrote. I'm genuinely sorry, Kakashi."

Kakashi regarded her for a moment before responding, "It's okay, Y/N. I understand the pressure. Sometimes, we let our frustrations get the best of us."

There was a pause as they both let the tension dissipate, each one processing the revelation in their own way.

"I never intended for any of this," Y/N confessed, her voice laced with sincerity. "I don't want this rivalry between us. I respect your abilities and admire your dedication, Kakashi."

Kakashi offered a small, understanding smile. "I feel the same, Y/N. Maybe it's time we put this behind us and focus on supporting each other rather than competing."

To her surprise, Kakashi revealed his own struggles with imposter syndrome and the weight of expectations. They found solace in each other's vulnerabilities, realizing that their rivalry had been based on misconceptions.

Slowly, animosity melted away, replaced by a newfound camaraderie and support. Y/N and Kakashi became unexpected allies, bonding over their shared experiences and pushing each other to excel without the weight of unrealistic expectations.

Their unspoken rivalry had transformed into an unbreakable friendship, founded on honesty, understanding, and a mutual desire to grow beyond the confines of their academic pressures.


as always, stay healthy keep commenting and happy reading~~~~~~

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