Art On Ice (Neji x Reader)

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hi so sorry for the long wait my exams are going on and I haven't had time to breathe lol

In a quaint art studio nestled between bustling streets, Neji sat hunched over his sketchbook, charcoal in hand. His eyes were fixed on a figure gliding effortlessly across the ice. Graceful and elegant, she twirled and leaped, leaving behind a trail of mesmerizing movements. Her name was Y/N, a vision of beauty in the rink—a place where her sister, a renowned figure skating coach, imparted her wisdom to aspiring skaters.

Neji, an art student, found himself captivated by Y/N's every move. With each stroke of his pencil, he tried to capture the essence of her elegance on paper. His sketchbook was filled with pages adorned with sketches of her—her hair cascading like a waterfall, her eyes reflecting determination, and her poise resembling that of a dancer.

Despite the bustling sounds of the skating rink outside, Neji was enveloped in silence, save for the scratch of charcoal against paper. His heart raced as he poured his emotions into his art, feelings that had grown from admiration to something deeper—a longing that consumed his thoughts.

Days turned into weeks, and Neji found himself at the rink more frequently, seeking inspiration from Y/N's movements. He admired her resilience, the way she approached each routine with unwavering dedication. Her passion for figure skating was palpable, radiating from every leap and spin.

One chilly afternoon, Neji found himself seated on a bench near the rink, sketchbook resting on his lap. Y/N was practicing her routine, her movements fluid and precise. Lost in his sketches, Neji didn't notice her gliding towards him until she came to a graceful halt.

"Hi," Y/N greeted him with a warm smile, her breath visible in the crisp air.

Neji's heart skipped a beat, surprised by her sudden presence. "H-hi," he stammered, momentarily flustered.

"I've noticed you here often, sketching," Y/N remarked, her eyes glancing at his sketchbook. "Are those... drawings of me?"

Neji's cheeks flushed, but he nodded. "Yes, I... I'm sorry if it's strange. Your movements, they inspire me."

Y/N's smile widened, and she took a seat beside him, flipping through his sketches. "They're incredible. You've captured moments I never thought anyone noticed."

Embarrassment gave way to a shared conversation. Neji learned about Y/N's dedication to skating, her dreams, and her love for the ice. Y/N, in turn, was intrigued by Neji's passion for art, admiring the way he portrayed her with such depth and emotion.

As days passed, their encounters became more frequent, conversations blossoming into a genuine connection. Neji found himself falling deeper for Y/N, her laughter like music to his ears, her determination a testament to her strength.

In the quiet corners of his sketchbook, amidst the sketches of Y/N, Neji dared to capture a new emotion—an affection that transcended the lines and strokes of his drawings. It was a love born from admiration, nurtured by shared moments, and etched in the pages of his heart.

And as Y/N continued to dance on the ice, Neji found himself no longer just an admirer of her movements but a companion to her journey, his love for her growing stronger with each passing day.

The days melted into each other as Neji and Y/N spent more time together, their connection deepening with shared laughter, quiet conversations, and stolen glances that spoke volumes. Neji cherished every moment, each interaction leaving an indelible mark on his heart.

Their bond transcended the confines of the skating rink and art studio. They explored the city's hidden gems, discovered shared interests, and supported each other in their respective passions. Neji admired Y/N's determination to excel in figure skating, while Y/N marveled at Neji's artistic talent and dedication.

With each passing day, Neji found himself falling more profoundly for Y/N. Her presence was like a ray of sunshine, brightening even the darkest corners of his life. He found himself daydreaming about her, sketching her not only on paper but also within the recesses of his thoughts.

Y/N, too, felt a burgeoning fondness for Neji—a connection that went beyond their shared moments. His kindness, unwavering support, and the way he saw beauty in everything around him resonated deeply within her.

One chilly evening, as the city lights shimmered in the distance, Neji found himself at the skating rink, his fingers idly tracing the pages of his sketchbook. Y/N was practicing her routine, gracefully gliding across the ice. There was an ethereal quality to her movements, an elegance that left Neji breathless.

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