Hidden Woes (Kabuto x Reader)

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hii, I know I said I will be taking a break and I am taking a break from wattpad because of my exams but because I had some free time and my first request I felt the need to write this immediately and a huge thank you to GachaLorraine for the idea I greatly appreciate the love and support you guys give me so id like to list a few names who have given me their continued support <3


i love you all 💗💗



The village of Konoha bustled with life, but within the bustling streets lay hidden struggles, unseen by many. Y/N traversed those streets every day with a facade of strength, but beneath her cheerful demeanor lurked a darkness that threatened to consume her. She was skilled, admired even, as a medical ninja, but no amount of expertise could heal the wounds festering within her soul.

Depression was a silent adversary, one that Y/N fought tirelessly, battling against the weight that seemed to crush her spirit. Yet, despite her efforts, the darkness persisted, wrapping its tendrils tighter around her with each passing day.

It was in the dim light of her small apartment that Y/N's facade crumbled, where tears fell freely and the weight of her struggles threatened to suffocate her. She felt isolated, trapped within the confines of her own mind, unable to reach out for help, fearing the judgment of those around her.

Unbeknownst to Y/N, there was one who noticed the subtle shifts in her demeanor, one who saw through the facade she presented to the world. Kabuto Yakushi, a skilled medic and former associate of Orochimaru, had always been adept at reading people, discerning their weaknesses and strengths with ease.

As he watched Y/N from afar, he couldn't ignore the signs of her inner turmoil. Her smiles didn't reach her eyes, her movements were sluggish, and the shadows beneath them spoke volumes of the sleepless nights she endured. Kabuto recognized the telltale signs of depression, for he too had wrestled with its demons in the past.

Despite his own tumultuous history, Kabuto found himself drawn to Y/N's plight, a desire to help stirring within him. He knew the loneliness of battling such darkness alone, and he couldn't stand idly by while another suffered in silence.

It was a chance encounter in the bustling streets of Konoha that brought Kabuto face to face with Y/N. She had been lost in her thoughts, unaware of her surroundings until Kabuto's gentle voice broke through the haze.

"Y/N," he called, his tone soft yet filled with concern.

Startled, Y/N turned to find Kabuto standing before her, his eyes searching hers with a depth that took her by surprise. There was a knowing in his gaze, a silent acknowledgment of the pain she kept hidden from the world.

"Are you...alright?" Kabuto asked, his voice hesitant but genuine.

Y/N's initial instinct was to brush off his concern, to retreat behind the walls she had painstakingly built around her heart. But something in Kabuto's demeanor softened her resolve, a flicker of hope igniting within her.

"I'm...I'm fine," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper, though the lie tasted bitter on her tongue.

Kabuto didn't push further, sensing that Y/N wasn't ready to open up just yet. Instead, he offered her a small, understanding smile, a silent promise that he would be there whenever she was ready to share her burdens.

As Y/N watched Kabuto walk away, a warmth bloomed within her chest, a glimmer of light amidst the darkness that threatened to consume her. She couldn't explain it, but there was something about Kabuto that made her feel seen, understood in a way she hadn't felt in a long time.

In the days that followed, Kabuto found himself drawn to Y/N's side more often, offering quiet companionship and unwavering support. He never pressed her to talk about her struggles, understanding that healing took time and trust.

Slowly but surely, Y/N began to let her guard down around Kabuto, allowing him to glimpse the depths of her pain. She shared her fears, her insecurities, and the overwhelming sadness that threatened to consume her. And with each confession, Kabuto listened without judgment, offering words of comfort and understanding that eased the burden on her heart.

Their bond deepened with each passing day, blossoming into something neither of them had expected. Kabuto found himself falling for Y/N, captivated by her strength in the face of adversity, while Y/N found solace in Kabuto's unwavering presence, a beacon of light in her darkest hours.

Together, Y/N and Kabuto embarked on a journey of healing, navigating the complexities of depression hand in hand. There were good days and bad days, moments of triumph and moments of despair, but through it all, they stood by each other's side, a pillar of strength in a world fraught with uncertainty.

With Kabuto's support, Y/N sought professional help, learning healthy coping mechanisms and strategies to manage her depression. It was a long and arduous road, filled with setbacks and obstacles, but with Kabuto's unwavering support, Y/N found the courage to keep moving forward.

And as the shadows of her past began to fade, replaced by the light of hope and healing, Y/N realized that she was no longer alone. In Kabuto, she had found a kindred spirit, a partner who had walked through the darkness with her and emerged on the other side, stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Together, they faced the future with renewed determination, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm that came their way. For in the embrace of love and understanding, even the deepest wounds could heal, and the darkest nights could give way to the dawn of a new day.

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