Unread Letters (Neji x Reader)

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thank you to @GothicPinUpKitty for voting for my story!!

thank you to all my readers for showing my little stories support!! ilyy <33

It was a quiet evening in Konoha, and Neji Hyuga found himself standing on a familiar path, leading to a serene garden nestled in the heart of the village. The moonlight filtered through the branches of cherry blossom trees, casting an ethereal glow on the scene before him. Neji had been visiting this place regularly, but tonight was different. Tonight, he held a stack of letters tightly in his hand, letters that had remained unopened for far too long.

He sat down on a stone bench, feeling a slight breeze rustling the leaves around him. Each letter bore a date, a date that represented a missed connection, a missed opportunity. Neji knew he had made a mistake, one he had been too blind to see until now.

"Why didn't you reply to my letters?" a soft voice echoed in his mind, a voice filled with hurt and confusion.

"You wrote me letters?" Neji muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. The truth was, he had never received any letters, or so he had thought.

As he carefully unfolded the first letter, he saw the elegant handwriting he had known so well. It was your handwriting, and the words poured out like a long-lost melody.

Dear Neji,

I hope this letter finds you well. It has been a while since we last spoke, and I find myself missing your presence more with each passing day. Life in the village continues, but it's not the same without you by my side.

I remember the last time we stood together under the cherry blossom trees, their delicate petals falling around us like confetti. It was then that I realized the depth of my feelings for you, feelings I had hidden for far too long.

I wanted to tell you then, but the words eluded me. So, I decided to write them down instead, in the hope that someday, you would read them. Neji, I love you, more than words can express. I hope that one day, you can find it in your heart to forgive me for not saying it sooner.

Please, take care of yourself.

With love, Y/N

Tears welled up in Neji's eyes as he read the heartfelt confession. How had he been so blind not to notice your feelings? The letters continued, each one revealing your innermost thoughts, hopes, and dreams. They spoke of a love that had grown with time, a love that had been left unspoken.

Neji finally understood the pain he had caused you by not replying to your letters. He had let his pride and insecurity stand in the way of what could have been a beautiful connection. It was time to make amends.

With determination in his heart, Neji stood up and headed toward your home. He couldn't change the past, but he could certainly shape the future. As he knocked on your door, he prayed that it wasn't too late to tell you how he felt, to reply to the letters that had remained unanswered for too long.

The door opened, and there you stood, your eyes filled with surprise and uncertainty. Neji took a deep breath and spoke the words he should have said a long time ago.

"I love you too, Y/N."

And in that moment, under the moonlight and the cherry blossom trees, two hearts finally found the connection they had been searching for, all because of the unspoken letters that had brought them together.

As Neji confessed his feelings, a mixture of emotions played across your face—shock, disbelief, and then finally, a radiant smile that could rival the moon itself. The weight of unspoken words and the uncertainty that had plagued your heart for so long began to lift.

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