Bond Of Convenience (Kakashi x Reader)

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The village of Konoha bustled with life as villagers and ninjas went about their daily routines. Hidden beneath the vibrant facade of the bustling village was a secret contract known only to a select few. Y/N, a talented kunoichi, and Kakashi Hatake, the enigmatic Copy Ninja, had entered into a marriage of convenience.

The Hokage's office was the setting for their first official meeting as a married couple. Y/N sat opposite Kakashi, her eyes fixed on the Hokage's towering desk. The man in question, the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, peered at them with a knowing twinkle in his eyes.

"I trust you both understand the gravity of this arrangement," he said, steepling his fingers.

Y/N nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of their predicament. She had always dreamed of finding love, but duty had other plans for her.

Kakashi's lone visible eye shifted, his mask betraying no emotion. "We do, Hokage-sama."

Sarutobi leaned forward. "The alliance we seek with the neighboring village of Suna can only be secured through this marriage. It is vital for the peace and stability of our region."

Y/N understood the politics behind their union. Suna was a powerful ally, and the marriage would strengthen their bonds. It was a noble cause, but it meant sacrificing her own desires.

Kakashi's presence beside her was both comforting and unsettling. He had always been an enigma, and now, they were tied together in a most unconventional way.

The Hokage concluded, "Your union must appear genuine in the eyes of the world. You will live together in the same house and take on missions as a married couple."

Living under the same roof was an adjustment for both Y/N and Kakashi. Their first week was filled with awkward silences and tense encounters. Y/N spent her days training and attending to her duties as a kunoichi, while Kakashi disappeared on his missions.

One evening, they found themselves in the kitchen at the same time. Y/N was preparing dinner, and Kakashi had returned from a mission earlier than expected.

He leaned against the kitchen counter, watching her chop vegetables with his usual air of indifference. "Do you need any help?"

Y/N glanced at him, surprised by the offer. "I've got it covered, thanks."

Silence settled between them, but this time it wasn't uncomfortable. Y/N decided to break the ice. "You know, we should try to make this arrangement work, for the village's sake."

Kakashi nodded, his eye curiously soft. "I agree. I'll do my part."

As the weeks passed, they found themselves sharing stories and laughter late into the night. Kakashi's sense of humor, though dry and subtle, began to emerge. Y/N discovered that beneath his stoic facade, he was a man with depth and complexity.


Their first mission together was to be a diplomatic one, traveling to Suna to solidify the alliance. They had to learn to work together, despite the walls they had built around themselves.

Their journey to Suna was fraught with danger, but they faced it together, their skills complementing each other perfectly. Kakashi's tactical mind and Y/N's combat prowess made them a formidable team. Slowly, they grew closer, and a genuine friendship began to blossom.

One evening, as they sat around a campfire, Kakashi hesitated before speaking. "You know, this marriage of convenience might not be so bad after all."

Y/N smiled, her eyes reflecting the warmth of the fire. "I was thinking the same thing. Maybe, just maybe, there's more to this than we ever imagined."

Their journey continued, and as they reached Suna, the alliance was secured. Y/N and Kakashi stood side by side, their hands intertwined, as they faced the leaders of the Sand Village. It was a moment of triumph, and they realized that their marriage, born of necessity, had evolved into something far more profound—a genuine partnership built on trust and friendship.

Their mission in Suna continued, with Y/N and Kakashi working closely to finalize the alliance. As they met with Suna's leaders, Y/N couldn't help but notice that their Suna counterpart, Ryou, seemed more interested in her than in the negotiations.

One evening, after a long day of talks, Y/N found herself alone in the courtyard of the Suna compound, reviewing some documents by moonlight. She was deep in thought when she sensed someone approaching. She glanced up to see Ryou, a smug grin on his face.

"Y/N-san," he purred, stepping closer. "I must say, you're as beautiful as the moon itself."

Y/N, uncomfortable with his advances, tried to remain polite. "Thank you, Ryou-san, but we have important matters to discuss tomorrow."

Ryou ignored her professionalism and reached out to touch her arm, his intentions clear. "Why don't we forget about business for a while and enjoy the night together?"

Before Y/N could react, a shadow loomed over them. Kakashi appeared out of nowhere, his signature silver hair falling over his eye, which was fixed on Ryou with an intensity that sent shivers down the Suna ninja's spine.

"Is there a problem here?" Kakashi's tone was cold, and his presence was menacing.

Ryou took a step back, suddenly wary. "No, no problem at all. I was just leaving."

Kakashi's eye never left Ryou until the man had disappeared into the darkness. Only then did he turn to Y/N, his expression softening. "Are you okay?"

Y/N smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Kakashi. I appreciate it."

He nodded, his eye returning to its usual calm demeanor. "We should get some rest. Tomorrow is another important day."

The incident with Ryou served as a turning point in their mission. Y/N realized just how much she could rely on Kakashi, not just as a partner in diplomacy and combat but as someone who would protect her when it mattered most.

In the days that followed, they worked tirelessly to secure the alliance. With Ryou's advances firmly behind them, the negotiations progressed smoothly. Suna's leaders were impressed by the unity and determination displayed by the Konoha delegation.

One evening, as they were preparing to return to Konoha, Y/N and Kakashi found themselves on the rooftop of the Suna compound, watching the sunset over the desert horizon. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the sand dunes.

Y/N turned to Kakashi, her heart full of gratitude. "I couldn't have asked for a better partner, Kakashi. You've been there for me when it mattered most."

Kakashi leaned against the parapet, his eye focused on the setting sun. "We make a good team, Y/N. I may not say it often, but I value our partnership."

As they stood side by side, watching the sun disappear beneath the horizon, they understood that their marriage of convenience had evolved into something deeper. It was a bond forged through duty and adversity, one that had grown stronger with time.

remember to stay safe! and comment!!

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