Whiskered Connections (Kakashi x Reader)

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hiii happy new year!!!
I was away for a new year's trip with my family so I wasn't able to post sorryyyy

The soft purring of Y/N's cat, Mochi, filled the air as the sleek feline twined around Kakashi's legs. His mismatched eyes glanced down at the creature, a habitual grin teasing the corners of his lips. "You're a persistent one, aren't you?" he remarked, bending down to scratch the cat behind its ears.

From the corner of the room, Y/N watched the scene unfold with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. She had never anticipated her feline companion would betray her feelings so blatantly.

"Sorry about Mochi," Y/N said, trying to divert attention from the obvious display of affection. "She's just being friendly."

Kakashi straightened up, a playful glint in his eye. "I think she likes me."

"It's just because you're wearing black," Y/N retorted, attempting to sound nonchalant. Inwardly, she cursed her cat for making her feelings so obvious.

As days turned into weeks, the cat's behavior became a routine. Mochi seemed to have developed a particular fondness for Kakashi, much to Y/N's dismay. She found herself spending more time in the common area, trying to prevent her emotions from being too obvious around her roommate.

However, one evening, as they sat studying together, Kakashi caught her off guard. "You know, Y/N, Mochi seems to really like me. I'm starting to think she's a better judge of character than you."

Y/N's cheeks flushed crimson, caught off guard by his statement. She averted her gaze, fiddling with the edge of her textbook. "I-I guess she can sense good people."

Kakashi chuckled softly, his tone shifting to a more serious note. "You know, I think she's onto something. Maybe you don't despise me as much as you claim."

Y/N's heart skipped a beat, her pulse quickening. She looked up to meet his gaze, surprised by the warmth in his eyes. "Maybe not," she admitted, a shy smile tugging at her lips.

Mochi, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, sauntered over and curled up in Y/N's lap, purring contentedly as if to signify her approval.

Kakashi grinned, his demeanor softening. "Looks like Mochi agrees."

And in that moment, Y/N realized that maybe her feelings weren't as one-sided as she had thought. With Mochi's help, the truth had been quietly, yet unmistakably, revealed.


Kakashi relaxed in his room, his faithful pug Pakkun snuggled beside him. Pakkun, possessed an uncanny ability to sense Kakashi's emotions, serving as both a companion and a reliable gauge of his feelings.

Observing Y/N's cat, Mochi, displaying unusual fondness for him, Kakashi found himself intrigued. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Y/N's proclaimed disdain for him.

One quiet evening, Kakashi found himself engaged in a candid conversation with Pakkun. "What do you make of Mochi's behavior, Pakkun?" he pondered aloud, knowing his pug friend had an intuitive understanding of human emotions.

Pakkun gazed at Kakashi with curious eyes, letting out a soft, questioning bark. He nudged Kakashi's hand affectionately, conveying a sense of knowing that there might be more to the situation.

Kakashi chuckled softly, scratching Pakkun behind his ears. "You think there's something here, don't you?"

Pakkun responded with an affirmative bark, his tail wagging with a cheerful energy, indicating his understanding and support of the unspoken connection between Y/N and Kakashi.

As time passed, Kakashi couldn't ignore the shifts in Y/N's behavior around him. He noticed her subtle reactions and sensed an undercurrent of something deeper behind her façade. It resonated with the unusual attention Mochi showered upon him.

One evening, while Y/N and Kakashi were alone in the dorm, engaged in casual banter, Pakkun seized the moment. He trotted over to Mochi, coaxing the feline to join in the growing camaraderie.

Mochi, typically reserved, approached Kakashi and settled comfortably on his lap. Kakashi smiled, exchanging a meaningful glance with Y/N, both silently acknowledging the unspoken emotions now revealed through their animal companions.

Pakkun and Mochi, the unwitting messengers of their owners' concealed affections, silently confirmed the connection between Y/N and Kakashi, sealing the unspoken bond that had blossomed between them.


as always keep reading, keep commenting and happy reading ~~~

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