Chapter 3

198 3 5

Y/N = Your name

L/N = Last name




[Y/N's POV]

So here I am, being dragged down a long bland hall, by a researcher who goes by the name of Dr. Alden, through the SCP Foundation. Dr. Alden keeps an eye out for any anomalies, and listens for any MTFs that may be nearby while I follow behind her as she drags me through the halls.

It's excruciatingly quiet for me, so I try to make small talk with Dr. Alden.

"So..." I try to think of something to talk about in the void of my mind, "how long have you worked here..?"

"Why does that concern you?"

Alden's personality thus far is cold and stoic, I've barely managed to converse with her because of how much she shrugs my questions off. It's annoying. But it makes sense as we're in a top secret SCP site that civilians aren't supposed to come across, and Alden thinks I'm a civilian right now.

"I don't know, I just wanted to get to know you."

"Well you should stop. You already know too much."

So off we continue, trudging down the seemingly endless hallways of the SCP Foundation. Forget about SCP-3008, they should be focusing on this site instead. Dr. Alden has already gotten lost like, five times! What the fuck?! I'm going to look into who built this place later, because I've got some choice words I'd like to say to them.

I don't even know how long it's been, two or three hours at least. And my wrist is starting to hurt. "Could you let go of me? My wrist is hurting."

Dr. Alden simply looks ahead and keeps walking, not even caring to look at me. "How do I know you're not going to run off?"

"Because I don't know my way around this place?"

Alden gives it some thought, and releases my wrist. I inspect it, and sure enough there's a rash. Ow.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to have that strong of a grip on you." Despite the apology, Alden's tone is far from apologetic.

We keep walking. The tension within the air is palpable, it is also very awkward. I feel like I should try to converse with the researcher, but I know it will be awkward if I do so I keep my mouth shut.

I bump into Dr. Alden, who has stopped abruptly. "Wh-"

Alden quickly covers my mouth to shut me up, shushing me as she peeks around the corner. I shove her hand off of my mouth and open it to speak again, but Alden puts both hands over my mouth.

I'm confused for a moment, then I hear someone call out from around the corner.

"Hello? Is anybody there?"

It's either an SCP-939, or someone Dr. Alden doesn't want to run into. Boy, do I hope it's the latter.

I manage to get Alden's hands off of my mouth, and speak in a hushed voice. "Is that a 939?"

Alder looks at me with a shocked expression. "How do you know about SCP-939?" Shit. I said too much.

"That's not important." I quickly brush her question off, she doesn't really need to know.

"Yes it is," she states, narrowing her eyes at me. "Did you hack into our files or something?"

"Um... maybe?" I respond sheepishly. That's the best excuse I can go with right now to avoid bringing attention to the fact that I'm not supposed to be in this world.

"You are so becoming a D-Class."


Our whisper conversation is cut short as we see a 939 stick its head around the corner, letting out a threatening growl. It either heard us, or smelled us. Either way, we're fucked. 

The 939 lunges at Alden, but she manages to stumble out of the way just in time, sacrificing just a scratch on her arm from its claws.

"Time to go." Dr. Alden quickly, and silently, starts to run away from the SCP-939 instance. I follow suit, trying to keep up. Alden must be a 5K runner or something, she's fucking fast.

~~Timeskip brought by maladaptive daydreaming~~

After running down multiple hallways, Alden finally decided that we lost the 939. She stops, leaning on the wall while panting. Meanwhile, I collapse onto the ground, my lungs feel like they're on fire while consuming a dessert of gasoline.

Alden looks at me, "Oh, you're still here."

I look at her confused. Did she seriously forget I was here? "Of course I'm here, where else would I be?"

"I was kinda hoping you'd get eaten by the 939 instance." Dr. Alden responds coldly.

This bitch.

Alden offers me her hand, "Get up, we should keep heading towards the exit gates."



Help, duolingo has me


Words: 750

New characters:

SCP-939, with many voices. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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