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As the memory ended everyone was fuming.

Harry awkwardly cleared his throat, "shall we start the next memory then?"

He was met with reluctant agreement.

The next memory started with the "happy" family heading toward the car.

Petunia was smothering Dudley as she strapped him in the car seat, "This will be a lovely day at the zoo, im looking forward to it"

Harry is seen rolling his eyes and making a move to get in the car as well.

"Harry i'm loving the fact that no matter how old or what circumstances your in you always find a way to be sassy."

Harry glared jokingly at Ron and flipped him off, "Just say that your jealous of my awesome personality."

Rolling his eyes Ron returned the gesture, "dont go too far mate."

Off in their own little spat they didn't notice everyone else in the room giggling at them.

All of a sudden Harry is yanked backwards by Vernon who is pointing his keys at him, "I'm warning you now boy. Any, and i mean any, funny business and you won't have meals for a week! Now get in your wasting time."

"I'm going to be put back in Azkaban when I find Vernon, I swear no one will recognize him when I'm done."

"What do you mean again?" Sirius looking as though he was caught stealing snacks, slowly turned towards James with a guilty look on his face.

"I don't really know how to explain it without sounding crazy.."

Harry, feeling bad for his godfather piped in, "My third year memories should explain it."

Although he seemed apprehensive James let it go.

The memory skipped to when the family entered the reptile exhibit of the London zoo, showing Dudley and Harry looking at a large Boa constrictor.

Dudley was seen pounding on the glass trying to get the snakes attention and whining when it doesn't work, "Make it move."

Vernon cleared his throat and walked over to the glass near his son, "Move!"

When that didn't work Dudley pounded on the glass harder, making his father wince nervously.

"Okay, if Vernon can see that his son is shouting at it to move, and that's not working..."

Harry suppressing a smile at his wife cuts in to nip her upcoming rant at the bud, "He's not the sharpest pencil in the box love."

Everyone lets out a snort at Harry's gentle insult of Vernon's intelligence.

Dudley is seen growing more impatient by the second, "MOVE!"

Harry sighs exasperatedly, "He's obviously asleep!" Earning a sharp warning look from his uncle.

"Well he's boring." Dudley and his parents head over to another enclosure leaving Harry alone by the sleeping snake.

"Sorry about him, he doesn't understand what it's like. Lying there day after day having people press their ugly faces in on you."

Lily giggles a little at the cuteness of little harry talking to the snake, "Hon I love you."

Harry blushes bright red, "Love you too mum."

The snake looks up and blinks, "Wait, can you....hear me?"

The snake nods, "its just, I've never talked to a snake before. Do you..i mean..talk to people often?"

"Wait harry, can you talk to snakes?"

Harry nervously looks at his father and nods, bracing himself for a shouting or look of disgust.

"That's so cool! My son is a Paselmouth, do you see this Lily!" Harry looks up shocked by the positive reaction.

Lily seeing her sons face gives him a loving look, "I do see that James, so you can stop shaking me...I do agree that our son is a very gifted boy."

Everyone else smiles softly at the interaction, soaking in the happy look on Harry's face.

the snake shakes his head at Harry's previous question, "you're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there? Do you miss your family?"

The snake turns its head in the direction of a sign that reads, 'Bread in Captivity'.

"I see, that's me as well. I never knew my parents either."

James and lily adopt a sad expression of their faces at the mention that they weren't able to raise their son.

The now awake snake is seen by Dudley, therefore gaining his attention. He bounces over to the glass, shoving harry to the ground as he does.

Hermione is seething, "What a horrid boy, why i outta..."

Ron covers his wife's mouth and nervously glances towards everyone else's amused eyes, "What my wife means to say is that we don't like the Dursleys one bit."

"Mum, dad, come here! You won't believe what the snake is doing!" Dudley places his ands on the glass wall. His back turned towards harry so he isn't seeing Harrys glare.

Suddenly, the glass disappears causing Dudley to fall forwards losing his balance.

Everyone busts out laughing,

Siris in between laughter manages out some praises,"that is a powerful bought of accidental magic kid!"

Remus just sighs at Sirius and sneakily high-fives Harry.

Dudley falls into the snake enclosure, sputtering in a pool of grimy water. Harry is snickering at what he has witnessed. The snake slithers out of the cage, stopping in front of Harry.


Harry with wide amusement filled eyes manages out a breathless, "anytime"

The snake causes chaos, people are seen screaming and running around. Dudley gets up to get out of the enclosure only to be met with glass.

"Mum! Mummy!"

Petunia, just noticing the trouble her son is in screams in concern, "My darling boy! How did you get in there?"

Harry is seen enjoying the show from where he was shoved grinning in delight.

Vernon stomping over to harry wipes the smile right off his face with a threatening glare.

"I swear if that man lays a single finger on you, he's going to lose them!" Harry looks at his mother in shock.

"Mum, it wasn't that bad, he just went through with the punishment he spoke of earlier."

Harrys words had meant to comfort everyone, but it only made them angrier.

"Just start the next memory dear."

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