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As harry was about to start the memory he stopped, almost as if someone had a grip on his arm.

"I feel as though I should tell you how the Dursleys were to me before I just plunge you into the memories."

Ginny put a hand on his forearm, "Harry are you sure, this will be difficult to talk about."

Everyone looked at Harry in worry, before anyone of them could say anything Harry started talking.

"Okay, it's probably not going to come as a big surprise to anyone but the Dursleys were never kind to me. They actually hated me in fact."

Harry gave an awkward chuckle as he spoke the last sentence before taking a breath and continuing.

"There's no other way to put it other than that they abused me. Physically, Verbally, and Mentally."

He hesitantly looked up at to see everyones reactions.

Sirius looked physically sick he was shaking and clinging onto Remus to steady himself while the former looked pissed.

Remus's normally hazel eyes glowed an amber color and he was grinding his teeth in order to keep himself as calm as he could.

Lily was sobbing and clutching onto James's hands tightly seeking some comfort.

James on the other hand was staring off into space as if he hadn't even processed the new information.

Ron, Hermione, and Ginny already knew so they just had solemn looks on their faces and Ginny had a few tears fall down her face.

"I don't mean to make you all uncomfortable..."

Sirius wasn't having any of it, "UNCOMFORTABLE! Harry, you haven't done anything wrong...we are simply processing and trying not to rip the Dursleys apart."

Everyone nodded and gave wet chuckles, "We love you Harry, we just...we hate that you had to grow up in that environment."

Harry nodded slightly before clearing his throat, "Alright I'll start the next memory for real now."

The next few memories showed Harry through the ages surviving with the Dursleys.

(Short chapter I know I plan to post one after this in not to long, I decided not to go into detail with the abuse because it can be triggering and I personally don't want to write about a child being abused.)

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