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"Where would you guys like to start off?"

Everyone shared glances, unsure about where they wanted to start with Harry's memories.

Ginny rubbed Harry's shoulder in a comforting way before speaking up, "Maybe we should start from the beginning."

Harry winced, "I don't know, it can get pretty...rough at times."

"What do you mean by that cub?" Harry turned towards Remus, "This isn't going to be easy to hear but as you all know I didn't have the best childhood and I just want you all prepared for what it was like at the Dursleys."

They all nodded, somewhat hesitantly, and Harry started off with his memories.

The first thing they all saw was Hagrid carrying a small baby Harry in his arms making his way towards two other dark figures.

Lily instantly starts tearing up knowing that her son had lost both his parents so young, James hugs her close.

"Evening professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall."

Dumbledore smiled warmly at the giant, "No problems, I take it, Hagrid?"

Harry scowled not so discreetly at the old man in the memory, confusing everyone but his wife and best friends.

Hagrid shook his head slightly jostling baby Harry along in the process.
"No sir, little tyke fell ter sleep as we was flyin' over Bristol."

Hagrid took a last step towards Dumbledore and hands Harry over. Dumbledore is seen walking over to a porch and setting baby Harry down on the porch.

Everyone, minus Harry, adopted outraged looks on their faces.

"He left you on the front porch in the middle of the night! Anyone could have harmed you."

Harry grimaced, "I don't even think he put a warming charm on me to be completely honest."

Remus growled at the new information that Harry had given them.

"Albus, do you really think it best to leave him here, with these people? I've been watching them all day. They're the worst sort of muggles imaginable, they're-"

Harry shook his head, "the old man really should have listened to her."

Lily and James both looked at Harry, concerned, "Harry what do you mean?"

He shook his head, "I promise the memories will explain what I am saying."

Dumbledore sternly interrupted Minerva, "the only family he has left."

"That's such bullshit! I was there, you have to understand Harry I tried so many times to adopt you or at least foster you. Obviously I was denied, mostly for being too dangerous to be around children."

Harry smiled, "I know Remus, and I would have been lucky to have been able to grow up with you."

Remus chuckled wetly which did not go unnoticed by Sirius who kissed the top of his head to comfort him.

Everyone else in the room smiled at the sweet moment in front of them.

"But the boy, he will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name..."

McGonagall made a move to pick up baby Harry only to be stopped by Dumbledore, "It would be enough to turn any boy's head. Famous before he can walk or talk. Famous for something he won't even remember."

"He'll be much better growing up away from that, unspoiled and modest, until he is ready."

Another growl was heard this time by Sirius, "is he joking?"

Harry just shook his head incredulously, "Nope, he is utterly serious."

Hagrid is seen with tears in his eyes threatening to fall, he sniffles loudly gaining the attention of the headmaster.

"There, there Hagrid. It is certainly not goodbye after all. "

Hagrid nods, as Dumbledore tucks an envelope into the blankets surrounding Harry's sleeping form.

His face suddenly adopted a dark and serious look.

"Good luck, Harry Potter."

Ginny shuddered, "that sounded so malicious."

The last thing the memory shows is a close up of baby Harry's sleeping and shivering form. His lighting scar is red and prominent, the everything turns to black.

As the memory ended everyone looked furious.

"I can't believe it, he didn't even try to help you in the least!"

Ron nodded in agreement towards the statement his wife had made, "he didn't even give you any sort of warming charm...What a nasty piece of shit."

Harry let out a surprised chuckle, the rooms atmosphere suddenly cheered up at the sound of his laughter.

"Alright next memory I suppose..."


I have been so busy and to be honest I lost a lot of passion with this story.

Don't worry though I'm regaining my love and passion for writing and I will continue to update.

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