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Much later, another owl flies by with a letter addressed to Harry. Inside, Vernon is seen grabbing handfuls of letters and ripping them up.

James scoffs, "what an idiot, he really doesn't understand the meaning of magic."

He's patted mockingly on the back my Lily who just tuts at the stupidity that is the Dursley family.

In the closet Harry can hear a faint whirring noise, he peeks out the door only to see Vernon drilling wood over the letterbox opening and muttering to himself.

"No more mail through this letterbox." Harry gives Vernon a slightly judge mental look and quietly closes the closet door.

Sirius snorts, "Harry, I don't know how you manage to bring a sort of light into the most stressful and horrid situations."

Harry gives Sirius a wink and a dramatic sigh, "It's a gift that few people can be taught."

Harry is earned a couple eye rolls from the group.

The next day, Vernon and Petunia are outside the door. Vernon, about to head for work and Petunia the ever doting house wife bidding him goodbye.

"Have a lovely day at the office dear." She goes to give him a peck on the cheek, only to be distracted by a bunch of owls making their way towards their home.

Snickers could be heard throughout the office as they watched the senior Dursleys frantically try and shoo the owls away.

Later, Petunia is seen cracking an egg into a bow and instead of the usual egg yolk, what comes out is a folded-up letter. She quickly tosses it out and tries her luck with another, only to be met with the same sight. She stares at the letter in horror, and then jumps in fright at the sound of owls screeching.

"I can say that I have never seen Hogwarts be so desperate for a letter to be seen, that they have to put it in an egg shell."

Remus swats Sirius on the hip, "Sirius, sometimes its best to keep out comments to ourselves."

She draws her attention to the outside of the window, and she is met with the sight of four owls sitting on some of her garden chairs. She stares at them in silence for a minute before giving out a loud screech and running off.

Hermione covers what seems to be a laugh with a cough, Ron on the other hand doesn't even try to cover up his boisterous laughter.

Which in turn causes everyone else in the study to burst out laughing.

Much later, Vernon is tossing letters into the fireplace. Harry comes around the corner, and Vernon turns to him grinning evilly as he makes a slower more purposeful movement of throwing another letter into the fire.

Remus gives a small growl at the man, and his eyes start to glow an amber color.

The memory fades to the next day, the family is sitting around and Harry is seen serving them cookies.

Remus's growling becomes much more pronounced which causes harry to give a small laugh and Sirius to rub his fiancées shoulder soothingly.

Vernon, while taking bites of his cookies starts to talk, "Fine day Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week. Why is that, Dudley?"

Lily puts her hand around her mouth and in a mock whisper, "He's going to be in a nasty shock when he figures out wizarding post isn't quite like how the muggles do it."

When Dudley shrugs and doesn't answer Harry takes it upon himself to try, "Because there's no post on Sunday?"

Vernon, not even trying to be nasty replies with a smile, "Ah, right you are, Harry."

Everyone, minus Harry, blinks in shock.

Sirius is the only one who manages to find words, "i think that's the nicest we've seen him act towards you this whole time Harry."

Harry nods, "Yeah, and I think that's the only time he doesn't call me boy."

"I almost didn't catch that."

Harry nods and gives a mocking smile, "It pays to have young ears Sirius."

Sirius gives him a fake scowl.

"No blasted letters today. No, sir. Not one single bloody letter, not one."

Harry shivers as he sees a shadow by the window.

Outside, millions of owls are perched, all with letters in there beaks.

"No , sir. Not one. Blasted. Miserable-"

As Vernon was talking, a letter shots out of the fireplace and zips across Vernon's face. Effectively cutting him off.

There is a loud rambling to be heard coming from the fireplace, and then millions of letters come shooting out.

The family shrieks in horror as Harry watches in amazement.

Lily smirks, "What did I say."

James pats her head, "good job dear, it's not as if we are all wizards here and had already figured that out."

Lily smacks his hand and gives him a mock glare.

Harry jumps onto the coffee table to grab a letter only for Vernon to grab him around the waist and yank him across the room.

The good mood in the room immediately vanishes as they see little Harry collide against the wall.

Ron, looking as if he wants to strangle someone starts mumbling under his breath, "good for nothing....if i ever see that cheeky motherfu...shove my wand up..."

Hermione effectively shuts him up with a peck on the lips causing him to go as red as his hair.

Harry gets up in a daze and tries his luck with another letter only for Vernon to grab him again, this time not letting him go.

"They're my letters! Let me go!"

The wood plank nailed to the front of the letter box finally breaks and letters start shooting out.

"That's it! We're going away, far away! Where they can't find us!"

Dudley slowly turns towards his mother with wide frightened eyes, "Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?"

Petunia watches her husband, red in the face, holding harry by the arm with a horrified look on her face knowing that her son may be right.

"Finally they acknowledge that Vernon isnt fucking right in the head."

"While I agree with you dear," Sirius turns to Remus, "I expected you to say that more eloquently."

"There's only so much I can take before manners and eloquence fly out the window."

Harry takes the golden opportunity and mutters out, "kind of like those letters from Hogwarts."

Everyone slowly turns towards a smirking Harry, and all lose their composure.

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