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The next memory panned back inside the Dursleys house.

Petunia is seen bundling Dudley up in warm blankets and fussing over him.

Then the memory pans to the living room where Vernon is seen shoving Harry against awall and having a firm grip on his hair.

Remus growls, "I thought you said that they didn't hurt you cub."

Harry grows a little red and sheepishly rubs at his neck, "I forgot, honestly it wasn't bad enough to remember. It's not like he beat me or anything."

Harry's answer did nothing to calm the people in the room down, in fact it only made them more distressed.

"Harry, just because he didn't bruise you doesn't make it any less abusive or any less harmful."

Harry grips Ginny's hand, "I know...but honestly i was fine."

The look of pure desperation on Harry's face had everyone letting the subject go.

"What happened!" Vernon shouted angrily, his grip on Harry's hair tightening.

"I swear, I don't know! One minute, the glass was there and then it was gone! It was like magic!"

Vernon snarls at Harrys answer, he shoves Harry harshly into the now open cupboard and slams the door shut in Harry's face.

"There's no such thing as magic!" He slams the vent on the door shut and Harry is engulfed in darkness.

"What a horrid man! I know it shouldn't come as a shock to me anymore but..."

Before Hermione can continue with her rant Ron puts a comforting hand around her waist, "I know what you mean, I think we all do. It's way different seeing the way you lived Harry rather than just knowing about it."

Everyone nods in agreement at Rons words.

The memory pans to reveal Dudley in his new school uniform posing and smiling grandly.

"Awww, smily pumpkin." She takes several photographs of him gasping in joy, "Vernon, just look at him. I can't believe it. In just a week you'll be off to Smeltings."

"Caveat Smeltona. Proudest moment of my life."

James scoffs loudly at that, "Well that's not such a surprise is it? His proudest moment is going to some pompous children's school?"

Lily chuckles quietly at her husband, "You aren't wrong dear."

Harry looks at the uniform in disgust, "Will I have to wear that too?"

Petunia let's out a mocking laugh causing harry to visibly wilt, "What, you? Go to Smeltings?"

harry meekly nods.

Vernon lets out a loud and mean laugh, causing Petunia to continue her verbal lashing, "Oh, dont be so stupid. you're going to the state school where you belong."

She walks over to the kitchen and fishes a gray shirt out of a boiler, "This is what you're going to be wearing once I've finished dyeing it."

Harry looks at the uniform in shock and confusion, "But...hat's Dudleys old uniform. It'll fit me like bits of old elephant skin."

Harry's response gets a snort out of a couple people in the room.

Petunia bops him in the mouth, "It'll fit you well enough, go get the post."

Harry heads out to the hallway and picks up the letters that were residing on the floor. Once he picked them up he noticed one of them had his names written on it with the address of where he slept.

Uncle Vernon and Dudley sit at the table where Aunt Petunia is fixing breakfast.

"At least they aren't making you cook for them." Sirius grumbled out, "I still don't appreciate that mouth smack she gave you."

Harry gave Sirius a quick but reassuring smile.

Harry walks in with the mail and hands it to Uncle Vernon, then walks to his seat with his letter still in hand.

Lily groans, "harry why didn't you hide that letter, or better yet wait to open it later when they aren't right in front of you."

Harry gives a sheepish smile, "the only excuse i have is that i was young, stupid, and excited that i got a letter."

Ginny gives Harry a little pinch, "you were never stupid Harry, try that again."

Harry rubs that area that she pinched and gives her a small glare.

"Oh, Marge is ill! I guess she ate a funny whelk."

Dudley notices Harry's letter and runs to grab it from him and give it to his father.

"Dad! LOOK! Harry's got a letter!"

Harry turns red in anger, "Hey! Give that back, it's mine!"

"Yours? Who'd want to write to a useless things such as yourself?"

Harry immediately quiets down and slumps in his seat.

The rest of the family gathers around to look at the letter. The family looks up at Harry once they notice a broken seal causing him to gulp in fear.

The Dursleys seeing it was from Hogwarts quickly pushed both the boys out for the room to have a hushed conversation.

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