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"Do you guys want to continue with the memories or take a break?"

Everyone seemed to pause, realizing how caught up in the memories they had gotten, not even knowing what time of day it was.

"I have no issue either way," Harry continued, thinking their silence was them deciphering whether he wanted to continue or not.

"I think we should at least continue until the sorting hat?"

"Yeah, that's not too far away in terms of how memories show themselves...good thinking Ron."

The memory showed what appeared to be a tall house, on a rock island somewhere out at sea. The night was stormy and dark, foreboding dark times ahead.

Vernon had moved them all out there to avoid the chaos with the letters and owls.

While the family was sleeping soundly, with harry being the one stuck on the cold, dirt floor. Harry is seen drawing a birthday cake in the dirt.

Everyone adopted sad smiles on their faces, knowing that what harry had drawn was probably the closest thing to an actual birthday cake he had received in 11 years.

Suddenly, as harry had "blown" out the candles on his cake, the door thumps causing harry to jump from his spot on the floor and Dudley to fall off the couch.

The door thumped again causing Harry and Dudley to react. Harry hides behind the wall and Dudley under the windowsill. Petunia and Vernon make an appearance with a double barrel gun in hand.

As Vernon opened his mouth to speak, the door gives one final bang before inevitably falling down.

What stood in the doorway was a shock to every person in the small shack, it was a giant man, Rubeus Hagrid.


"How is Hagrid doing?" Harry turned slightly to answer his father, "He's doing really well for himself! He's married with a kid, he watches ours sometimes."

Lily and James erupted in huge smiles knowing that their friend was doing well for himself now that he was out of Dumbledores control.

"Sorry bout tha." Hagrid mutters while trying to put the door back in the frame.

Vernon decides to give a go at bravery and points the gun at Hagrid, "I demand you leave at once, sir! You are breaking and entering!"

Petunia lets out a gasp of fear as Hagrid takes a large step towards the couple, latches onto the barrel of the gun, and bends it upwards with ease.

"Yeah show them whose boss Hagrid!"

Hagrid gives a grunt, "Dry up, Dursley, ya great prune."

The gun fires upwards, effectively blasting a hole in the ceiling.

Hagrids eyes wander around the small shack, landing on Dudley.

"Mind, I haven't seen ya since ya was a baby, Harry. But yer a bit more along than I woulda Expected. Particularly round the middle."

Everyone gave out snorts of laughter, "I still can't believe that Hagrid, even for a second thought that Dudley was me!"

"Yeah everyone says that you look like your father with your mums eyes...so how would Dudley even be considered an option?"

Hermione and Ginny pinched their husbands sides, "Give him a break im sure he was under a lot of stress, having to deal with albus and all."

Harry gave a disdainful snort at his wife's words and turned back to the memory, unaware of his mums, and the marauders confused glances.

"I-I'm not Harry."

Harry stepped forwards in a moment of bravery, "I am."

Hagrid lets out a big and boisterous laugh, "Well, o course ya are! Got somethin for yeh. Fraid I mighta sat on it at some point, but I imagine it'll taste fine just the same."

Hagrid pulls out a big box and hands it to Harry, who opens it revealing a pink cake.

"Baked it myself, words and all."

Harry gives the cake another glance, 'Happee Birthdae Harry'

Ron lets out a slight grimace, "It's the thought that counts...right?"

Harry punches Ron in the arm lightly, "Ill have you know that's the first birthday gift I remember getting. I was appreciative."

Ron snorts at Harry while everyone else gives him a sad look which he chooses to ignore.

"Thank you! This is the best gift I could have asked for!"

Hagrid absolutely beams at harry, "Its not every day that yer young man turns 11 now is it?"

"Hagrid always was your biggest fan Harry, even before you became the boy who lived" Lily cooed

Harry blushed slightly at his mothers words.

Hagrid sits on the sofa, takes out a pink umbrella and points it at the pathetically empty excuse for a fireplace.

Two sparks fly out of the umbrella and star a fire causing the family to gasp.

Harry puts the cake down in wonder, "Excuse me, but, who are you?"

"Excuse my rudeness. Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. O' course, yeh'll know all about Hogwarts."

"Not just a grounds keeper anymore."

Lily clapped in delight, "Is he a teacher now? Oh please tell me he is, that was a big dream of his you know."

Harry nodded, "magical creatures teacher, I'd say the best one I've ever had."

Harry gives him a confused look, "sorry, i don't."

"No? Blimey, Harry,didn't ya ever wonder where yer mum and dad learned it all?"

Harry let out a grimace, "im going to warn you all that I technically didn't know anything true about mum and dad before Hagrid came along."

Lily let out a pained gasp and James clenched his jaw, "they didn't tell you anything?"

Harry shook his head solemnly, "I didn't even know what you guys looked like."

Everyone in the room felt their hearts break slightly for younger Harry, and how awful it must of been not even knowing your parents faces.

"Learnt what?"

Hagrid returns Harrys confused look, "Yer a wizard, Harry."

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