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Ron shook his head, "I still can't believe that this was how you found out about the wizarding world because of Hagrid."

All Harry did in return was give him a sly grin and turn towards the memories.

"I'm a what?"

Hagrid gave a chuckle, "A wizard, and a thumping good one id wager. Once yer trained up a little."

Ginny turned towards her husband, "he was right ya'know you are an amazing wizard."

Harry turned bright red and gave her a quiet thanks as well as a kiss on the cheek, "I am no better than any other wizard."

Ron rolled his eyes, "stop being so humble Harry, you literally killed Voldemort ."

A low whistle sounded the room, "ya can't argue with that logic son." Harry gave his dad a playful glare.

"Alright guy just watch the memories."

"No youve made a mistake. I mean, I can't be...a wizard. I'm just harry."

"Well then, just Harry. Did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared."

Harry's expression is seen softening in realization, "Ah so you must be a wizard."

Sirius gave a slight chuckle, "He got you there Harry."

The memory pans over to a cowering Dudley, as Hagrid hands harry the Howarts acceptance letter.

As harry starts to read the letter Vernon rips it out of his hands, "He will not be going, I tell you! We swore when we took him in, we would put a stop to all this rubbish!"

"Didn't work out too well now did it?" Harry scoffed.

Harry is seen with an angry expression,

Ron pretends to cower behind Hermione, "Oh noooo, the famous Harry Potter temper!"

Harry gives Ron a slight shove, "You would know all about tempers Ron, I've seen the hissy fits you've thrown."

"You knew? You knew all along and you never even told me?"

"Of course we knew! How could you not be? My perfect sister being who she was. Oh, my mother and father were so...proud. "We have a witch in the family, isn't it wonderful?" I was the only one to see her for what she truly was and what you are...a FREAK!"

"God can you imagine if she were to say those things in front of a real muggle hating wizard?"

Harry gave a shudder, "god there would be carnage."

"Then she met that horrid man potter, and they just had to have a nasty little boy. Just as strange, as...abnormal! Then she got her and her husband blown up...she could have least finished the job and let you go with them. But noooo she stuck us with you."

Everyone had various states of shock on their faces, "I cannot believe she just blamed lily and James for being murdered."

Harry rolled his eyes, "It's really not all that surprising considering how awful of a person she is."

Lily was silently crying, "I'm going to kill her, not only did she insinuate that is would have better if you had died with us, she tried making you feel guilty about living?"

"I think that the Dursleys should get a visit sometime soon."

"Da as much as I appreciate the thought, i think it would just be better to leave them alone."

"Maybe for you harry, but i for one want a chance to break Vernon's nose!" Sirius gave an evil grin.

"Blown up? You told me my parents died in a car crash!"

"Okay that was the last straw! They didn't even tell you the truth about your parents death!" Remus's face was eerily calm and the only thing giving away his anger were the slight amber glow to his eyes.

"Yeah they had told me up until that point that they were both drunk and driving."

Lily scoffed, "what a hypocritical bitch!"

Hagrid stood up from the couch, "Car crash! A car crash kill lily and James potter? I think not!"

Petunia huffed, "Well we had to tell him something he kept asking all these annoying questions about them and he wouldn't shut up!"

"This is an outrage!"

As the Dursleys argued with Hagrid, Dudley is seen chowing down the cake Hagrid has brought for Harry.

"Now I am never one to fat shame but what a little pig!"

Hermione smacked Ron on the head, "Ron!"

"I mean he's not wrong they practically gave him as much food as they could without killing him."

"He will not be going!"

Hagrid gave Vernon a scary glare, "oh-ho-ho band i suppose a great and all powerful muggle like yerself is goin' to stop him, are yeh?"

"What's a muggle?"

"Non-magic folk." Hagrid then turns right back to the couple, "This boy's had his name down ever since he was born! He's going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world, and he'll be under the finest headmaster that hogwarts has ever seen!"

"As much as i love Hagrid his view on Dumbledore is slightly skewed."

Harry scoffed, "a little? That man practically handed me over to Voldemort like a dozen times! Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he had purposely gotten Sirius put in Azkaban so i would have to be with the Dursleys."

" I will not have some crackpot old fool teach him magic tricks!"

Hagrid whips out his umbrella nd points it at Vernon threateningly, "NEVER. INSULT. ALBUS. DUMBLEDORE. IN FRONT OF ME!"

Hagrid, finally noticing Dudley mowing down the cake at an impressive, if not slightly nasty, pace grows a sinister grin. He aims the umbrella at the boy causing a pig tail to grow.

Dudley scream in horror, Harry laughs quietly at the display of foolishness.

Hagrid tells harry not to tell anyone about his display of magic or else he might get into trouble.

Hagrid takes out his pocket watch, "Ooh looks like we are ahead of schedule. Bes' be off, unless you would rather stay of course?"

Harry grins and shakes his head eagerly following Hagrid out the door.

James gives a low whistle, "damn never mess with Hagrid."


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