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The next memory shows Harry sitting alone in a train compartment for a moment before Ron bursts in.

"Eloquent as usual Weasley."

"Oh shut it Potter, like your any better!"

Harry snorted, "Please don't say my name like that, you sound like Malfoy."

Ron gave an over exaggerated shudder, "If you ever say that again I'm going to throw up, and i will make sure it lands on you!"

Harry held his hands in a placating gesture.

"Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full."

Harry gives Ron a shrug before gesturing him to sit down, "I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley."

"I'm Harry Potter."

"Oh boy, fangirl Weasley everyone, prepare yourselves!"

Ron turned and gave a glare at Harry before turning towards everyone else in the room, "I was NOT fangirling!"

"Whatever you say ronikins."

Rons mouth falls open.

"So...it's true! I mean, do you really have the..." Ron points to his own forehead, not being able to form coherent words.

Harry seeming to understand lifts up his hair to reveal the main part of his scar.


"Not a fangirl my ass!"

"Sirius, leave me alone..." Ron gives a pout before turning back towards the memories.

A bit later, Harry and Ron are seen sitting together eating loads of sweets that they had previously bought off the trolley.

Ron's rat, "scabbers" makes his entrance, perching himself on Ron's knee with a candy box over his head.

"Wait...is that who I think it is?"

Harry turns towards his dad with a grimace, "Yeah unfortunately..."

Ron shudders, "I still can't believe little me had a full grown man hanging around me all the time."

James's eyes grew even wider if it was possible, "He didn't...do anything did he?"

Ron gives him a confused look before adopting one of understanding, "NO! I mean the worst he did was steal my food. I promise!"

Everyone gives a sigh of relief at the reassurance, even those who had already known about Pettigrew.

Ron looks down at the rat, "Pathetic isn't he?"

Rons little comment got snorts from everyone in the room.

Harry winces, "just a bit."

"God the fact that you two called Pettigrew pathetic to his face is hilarious!"

Remus smiles at Sirius's display of joy, "I think it's especially funny that he had to sit there and take it, less he wanted his cover to be blown."

"Remus this is why I love you."

Remus, clearly amused turned to his partner, "Because I also hate Pettigrew?"

"Because you get me!" Sirius gives Remus a peck on the lips before turning towards the memories as if nothing had happened.

Remus, on the other hand had turned bright red at the public display. Everyone else in the room were smiling at the declaration.

"Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see?"


Just as Ron had hyped himself up to do so a girl with bushy brown hair, dressed in robes suddenly appeared in the doorway rather rudely.

"Has anyone seen a toad? A boy names Neville lost one."

Ron shakes his head, as Harry muttered a quiet "no".

"Oh! Are you doing magic? Let's see it then."

"Quite a demanding little one aren't you? Reminds me of a certain someone." James turns his head not so subtly looking at his wife.

Lily clearly not finding her husband funny, whacks him in the chest.

Ron clears his throat, "sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!"

He zaps Scabbers, nothing happened except the rat giving a small squeak.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself. For example..."

Hermione is seen making her way further into the compartment and sits right across from Harry. She points her wand at his face, causing Harry to tense.

Everyone gave small frowns at Harry's subtle flinch.

"Oculus Reparo" The tape holding the pair of glasses vanishes, and what was left behind were completely repaired glasses.

Harry takes his glasses off and looks at them in amazement, "That's better isn't it? Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter, I'm Hermione Granger..."

"Holy cricket?" Sirius chuckles in clear amusement.

Hermione turns towards the red head of the group, "and...you are?"

Ron, clearly having stuffed his face with treats, "Ron Weasley."

Hermione is seen crinkling her nose in disgust, "pleasure...you two bettter change into your robes. I expect we will be arriving soon."

She gets up to leave only to turn right back around and address Ron again, "You've got a bit of dirt on your nose by the way. Did you know? Just there."

She points at his face and walks out of the room leaving Ron and Harry to look at each other in astonishment.

"Wow...love at first sight it seems?"

Hermione, looking bashful, sticks her tongue out at James who in return gives her a funny face.

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