7 | Together

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"Upon arrival, we will drop down from our gun ships at the landing point here-" Obi-wan referred to the narrow divide within the mountain range, a tight space between overbearing earthly towers eroded due to time. Even from the holograms swirling on the table, the team could see how difficult the layout of the terrain would be for their ships to navigate "-on the west side of the mountains, and from there we will descend into the valley to assist Master Billaba"

"We cannot maneuver our gunships any lower than the tree line, so the men will need cables to descend down on" Anakin advised, standing opposite of his master on the other end of the war table. The meeting would soon come to its conclusion, with the starship nearing its destination of the planet Jelucan within the hour. He stood with his arms crossed "we do have jet-pack prototypes that can be utilized"

"Jet packs?" Dakota cut her gaze to her co-General humorously, the tea cup halfway up to her lips as she peered at him through the blue holographic battle field "are those new?"

"Anakin was our first volunteer to try them out" Obi-wan came around and clapped Anakin's shoulder. Ahsoka hid her smirk, obviously recalling the chaotic incident in her mind. The atmosphere was light, as clones stood around them, eager to hear the strategies at play. Pilots lined the walls near the bridge windows that overlooked the journey through hyperspace.

"Damn shame, I missed that" Dakota shook her head with mock regret, taking a sip of her drink.

"You were dead" Anakin reminded plainly.

She shrugged in agreement.

"We're following the sword and shield maneuver" Obi-wan cleared his throat and continued, using his hands to zoom in to the valley on the map. All eyes looked to see his strategy, and hung on every word religiously "Commander Cody and I will take our battalion to the front, with General's Ky and Skywalker coming in from the back and pushing forward"

"We-" Anakin took over then, as smooth as a flowing brook, as he addressed the specifics of the 501st "-will then relive General Billaba's battalion that is currently held up within the ravines. The Separatists have cut off their escape route. Their rescue is our objective, then, we will take the capital city of Valentia"

"Sounds simple enough" Fives said with anticipation and cracked his knuckles from where he stood leaning against the railing of the stairs alongside Cody. The 212th Commander remained tall and alert, contrasting Five's casual demeanor.

"We're hoping" Anakin nodded, the spark of excitement within his blue eyes as well "with whoever is remaining in General Billaba's battalion. The objective on paper seems achievable. As always, we won't know for sure until we touch down on the planet"

Ahsoka spoke then, her arms crossed at her chest similar to her masters as she stared at the hologram that spun slowly on the tabletop. Blue light danced between her icy gaze "The Separatists have occupied Jelucan for several months now, despite the peoples' stance to remain neutral in the war"

"That is true" Obi-wan responded "With the Separatist invasion, the opinion on neutrality has wavered. The Jelucani prime minister vocalized the need for Republic military assistance to the senate several rotations ago. That is why Master Billaba and her Padawan were sent"

"Aaand we lost contact with them" Anakin threw in quickly, as if he had expected for that to happen.

Dakota was present for that senate meeting one week prior to departing for the planet. Attending senate meetings, and floating around the temple hallways were the extent of what she could do, at least, until she had healed enough to go on a mission. The Prime Minister of Jelucan pleaded for the Republic's assistance, with Senator Amidala and Organa showing their support. It was Senator Amidala who had convinced the galactic senators to vote in support of the Jelucani.

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