3 | The Way

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The Duchess of Mandalore

In her radiant presence, the Jedi seemed smaller, paler, and bonier, obviously still in recovery from the travesty of her accident. Her dark hair was thinning and tied back into a slim braid with strands hanging down by her hollowed cheek bones. Her once muscular shoulders had shrunk, seeming as if her entire frame had been reduced by a couple of fonts. Dakota crossed her arms uncomfortably, not having expected to see her sister on Coruscant.

Satine removed her hard gaze from Dakota and returned her attention back to her friend, Padmé, hardly acknowledging the Jedi. Dakota felt stunned, but did her best to hide the emotion. Based on that reaction, the Jedi concluded that her sister was upset with her about something. Nobody else in the room seemed to notice the internal, fiery moment between the two. Dakota grit her teeth together and tightened her jaw subtly.

"Glad that you made it, General Ky, and you too Captain Rex" Padmé smiled to the both of them, crossing the space to greet them formally. She reached her hands out to shake Dakota's. It took all of her remaining strength to plaster on a friendly smile. The senators warm hands encompassed hers. Anakin stood near Ahsoka by the senators desk.

"Thank you, Padmé... I didn't know that neutral systems were going to be present at todays Republic senate meeting" Dakota gestured to the Duchess who purposely kept her face turned away, body stiff.

"Neutral systems were invited so that they can remain in touch with war-related affairs-" Padmé explained lightly "-and act as voices of reason within the policial divide. Duchess Satine-" she motioned "-is one of the few neutral systems that accepted the invitation to the meeting"

"And with that, I must get ready for it" the Duchess spoke up softly, stepping away from the group "please excuse me" she walked out from the room with her personal guard close behind her.

Dakota watched with narrowed eyes as she crossed the room towards the exit, her blue dress trialing behind. She balled her fist up at her side in frustration "Pardon me as well, everyone" she muttered, slipping through the doors just before they closed, in pursuit of the pacifist. Rex stepped back, watching curiously as she vanished from the room.

Through the hallway, the Jedi zig zagged through the collection of conversing senators and acquaintances "Satine!" she called, taking her shoulder gently once she was within arms reach.

"Not right now, I have much to do" Satine pulled away, lifting her hand. Her guards prepared their staffs, but remained in the background.

"It's not like you to anticipate what the Republic is discussing in a senate meeting" Dakota placed her hands to her hips, tilting her head to the side "what's going on? Why are you upset?"

"Who said I was?"

"Your very obvious passive aggressiveness"

Satine bit the inside of her cheek, knowing that she was right "You think you know everything, hmm?"

"We're sisters, when it comes to you, I do" Dakota crossed her arms, in a matter-of-fact manner.

"Good bye, Master Jedi" Satine bid swiftly.

"Don't you Master Jedi me" she chased after her once more.

"Don't cause a scene-"

"Watch me" Dakota threatened. Finally, the Duchess pivoted back towards her sister with her lips pressed together in a hard frown "Tell me what's going on, Satine-"

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