21 | Homecomings

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Dakota keyed in the transmission frequency for the landing platforms on Mandalore, her voice steady as she initiated communication. Rex sat back, tapping a few keys on the control panel in preparation for decent as she spoke. "This is Jedi Master Dakota aboard the ETA-Class Shuttle, requesting clearance for planetary entry."

A crackling response came through the comm channel, followed by the voice of a docking official. "Acknowledged, ETA-Class. Please provide your vessel's identification code and landing coordinates for verification."

Dakota glanced at the readout on the control panel before her, swiftly relaying the required information. "Identification code is Alpha-Seven-Nine-Delta, and landing coordinates are 32.124, -118.549."

There was a brief pause before the docking official confirmed their clearance. "Clearance granted. You are cleared for approach and landing."

Dakota nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of relief washing over her as their entry was approved. It's a wonder her sister didn't ex-communicate her from the planet after their most recent encounter. She shut off the transmission and sat back in the seat, exhaling deeply as Rex began the steady descent to the planets lifeless surface.

The ship glided through the vast expanse of space towards the pale, milky planet, a palpable tension filled the air within the cockpit. With each passing moment, the planet loomed closer, its presence casting a shadow over Dakota's thoughts.

Seated beside her, Rex sent a curiously concerned glance in her direction, his keen, brown eyes catching the subtle shift in her demeanor. He reached over the space separating them, placing his hand overtop hers. "You alright?" he asked quietly.

Dakota met his gaze with a faint smile, though her eyes betrayed a tinge of apprehension. "Just... thinking," she replied uncertainly. She reached inside of her tunic's neckline and freed the necklace that hid within the fabrics. The Mandalorian beaded necklace that her older sister had gifted her just before departing for the Temple, all those moons ago during a complicated, unforgiving time. "It's been a while since I've been back to Mandalore."

Rex nodded understandingly, his expression mirroring her own unease. "Have you spoken to your sister since that day at the senate building?" he asked her. She adjusted her hand and flipped it, allowing her bionic fingers to intertwine with his.

"No, I haven't," she rubbed her thumb across his tendons, pleasantly surprised to feel the warmth through his gloved hands and through her metallic skin. "We ended things on a complicated note, and the war has done nothing but throw me around the galaxy over the past few months."

Rex looked over his shoulder, making sure that it was just the two of them in the cockpit before continuing with the conversation. His free hand guided the shuttle down to the clouds that encompassed the atmosphere. "She probably doesn't wish to see me, if I'm being quite frank. Just forewarning you."

"I've had my fair share of spats with my brothers, it's certainly not something I'm unaccustomed to." he related. The buzzers flashed, indicating the descent into the atmosphere. Cirrus clouds rose up to greet them. "We're here for Commander Tano, it doesn't have to turn into a homecoming if you don't wish it to."

He was right. It could simply be a task, assigned by her Master if she chooses it to be. Superficial, standardized. Merely following orders.

"Want to know something?" she found herself asking him as the planet grew in size around them and drew them in closer. Concordia passed by on their left, and hovered in the void of gravity just above the seal of the stratosphere.

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