19 | Perspectives

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Beams of artificial light radiating from headlamps built into the trooper's armor led the way, illuminating a wild, untamed path before them. Dakota guided the small team through the murky swamp, her senses alert for any sign of danger, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her.

The dense foliage loomed around them, casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance in the flickering light of their luminescent. Massive, maroon leaves brushed against her hips and legs as she slipped through on silent feet.

Small rustles from within the dreary brush caused the group to pause and direct their gazes in the direction to which the sound came from. Seconds would tick by with held breaths, and once they were certain it was no more than a mere rodent scuttling, they continued on.

"Keep your eyes peeled," Dakota said out to the group, her voice firm. "We're getting close to the town, but we can't let our guard down just yet. Droids probably have sensors up."

Rex and Fives, ever the loyal soldiers, nodded in acknowledgment, their blasters at the ready as they scanned their caliginous, tangled surroundings for any sign of trouble. Dakota knew she could count on them to watch her back, just as they knew she would watch theirs. She checked back, yet again taking a headcount of the nine troopers that walked with her, and the one Padawan learner that had hardly done so much as breathe.

"What do you think of the new recruit?" Fives leaned his head over, talking lowly to Rex who walked next to him.

"He's..." Rex began cautiously. "An addition to the squad. That's for sure."

"I'm not sure if I've ever seen anyone get under the General's skin like that." he reflected.

"He's a kid." Rex shrugged back "He's younger than Commander Tano was when she became General Skywalker's Padawan, and, he lost his previous master. I saw it, I was there. I get the animosity-"

"Animosity that threatens the stability of our battalion? And flat our disrespecting the General?" Fives narrowed his eyes form beneath his helmet.

"Da- General Ky can handle herself, and is stronger than the words of a defiant kid." He defended. "We went through similar circumstances with Commander Tano. Each of us goes through this, one way or another. Our training was on Kamino, and his is here"

Fives shrugged, half-way agreeing. Keeping pace with the General, Caleb turned a hesitant gaze over his shoulder, peering into the darkness void of any moonlight. All jungle for as far as the eye could see. His foot tripped over a twisted root, and he stumbled ahead, his breath hitching up in this throat. Rex put a hand to his slim shoulder to steady him. "Holdin' steady, kid?" the Captain checked in.

"I'm fine." Caleb pulled his shoulder gruffly from his armored grip, turning his nose away.

Fives nudged Rex, an act of I told you so.

Suddenly, a low rumbling echoed through the swamp, causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet. Dakota paused and used the force to pull the saber from her belt, and clasped it firmly in her hand, igniting the dual blades. Tremors pulsed like miniature earthquakes. Her grip tightened on her double-saber as she spun around, her senses on high alert for the source of the disturbance. The clones followed her movements, keeping close to her flanks.

Dakota scanned the area. "I... have a bad feeling about this"

Before she could react, a massive, slimy creature from the depths of the planet burst forth from the murky waters, its tentacles thrashing wildly as it launched itself at the group. Endless rows of teeth were bared, and they had bits of bloody flesh from a previous meal flossed between its canines. Dakota gasped, and curled her lips in disgust, but sprang into action without a second to spare nonetheless.

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