18 | Wise Words of the Young

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The murky waters of Belkadan's planetary, dismal swamp churned beneath their boots as the two 501st Jedi Generals, two Commanders, and the entirety of the 501st Clone Battalion pressed relentlessly forward through the treacherous, humidity-stricken terrain. The din of blaster fire echoed through the dense vegetation, mingling with the squelch of mud and the hiss of steam from the droids' machinery.

Anakin led the charge up at the front, his blue lightsaber blazing as he cut through the ranks of battle droids with practiced ease. Water rose up to his kneecaps, making the perimeter below his eyesight dangerous and unpredictable. Speeders whizzed by manned with super battle droids. Ahsoka navigated alongside her master, her twin lightsabers a whirlwind of green and yellow as she deflected blaster bolts and dispatched enemies with precision.

She used a slim tree trunk to propel herself forward, and decapitate the closest droid on a speeder. It sidetracked and crashed into a hollow stump, resulting in an explosion of wood chips and metallic parts.

"Nice Snips, did I teach you that?" Anakin couldn't help but ask, deflecting a nearby blast. A proud light flickered in his sky blue eyes.

"Taught myself that move" she replied confidently.

"I'll take the credit regardless"

Amidst the murky depths of the swamp, where mist hung heavy in the air and the ground squelched beneath their feet, Dakota's voice cut through the cacophony of blaster fire. Mud streaks decorated her black tunic, and smudged her light brown skin. Her authoritative words weaved in and out of shouts, explosions and choruses of enemy ammunition.

"Jesse, Fives, ascend to the higher grounds on the left!" she pointed, the hum of her saber penetrating the air with her movements. "Provide cover fire for Nax and his squad as they advance on the droid emplacement!"

Her words were drowned out by the roar of blasters and the eerie cries of native creatures hidden in the dense foliage. Yet, the clone troopers understood her orders, their movements swift and purposeful as they charted the terrain to follow her command.

Dagger Squad, led by Rex, advanced, their footsteps leaving deep impressions in the marshy ground as they followed Dakota's lead. The air was thick with the pungent scent of an unidentifiable decaying order, and the mists swirling around them lent an otherworldly quality to the scene.

"Stay low and keep your wits about you," Dakota commanded, her voice tinged with urgency as they pressed forward into the heart of the swamp. She wiped her hand across her face, ridding boggy water from her eyebrows and eyelashes. "We're heading straight for the enemy's stronghold, now. Stick to the plan and watch each other's backs!"

With determination etched upon their faces, the clone troopers pressed on, their weapons at the ready and their eyes scanning the murky landscape for signs of danger. Despite the oppressive atmosphere of the swamp, their spirits remained unbroken, fueled by the unwavering trust that had been placed in their Jedi Generals. She always situated herself at the front of the squads, acting as the protective shield.

"Utilize the brush." she advised. "We have the cover of the mist to our advantage." she blocked a few red bullets, swerving them off into the unknown lower-hanging clouds. "Stay within sight of someone else, and stay behind me"

A chorus of "yes sirs" accompanied.

She brought her comm to her chin, and connected with Anakin. Her eyes darted around the perimeter, and she spotted an enemy speeder barreling down the opening between the dense tree line. "Anakin, what's your location?"

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