16 | Invisible Strings

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Share my pain.

The faint voice halted her, her boots squeaking against the dusted floor, the sound rippling off the metallic structure encompassing her. She whipped her head over her shoulder, hoping to pinpoint the source of it, but her efforts always seem to prove futile. Whispers of the syllables seeped through the cracks of the walls and vanished. Her lips pursed, and she eyed the corridor skeptically. Whatever ghost she had heard, or sensed the remnants of, was gone.

She continued to stride through the dimly lit halls of Hondo Ohnaka's base, her senses were on high alert, every nerve tingling with anticipation as she sought to split up the two Sith and neutralize the threat they posed. The silence that surrounded her was eerie, a phantasm of whispers echoing off the metal walls as she moved with purpose through the shadows.

Obi-Wan had gone in one direction, and her the other, but they remained linked together by comms.

Just as she rounded yet another corner, a sudden presence loomed before her, freezing her in her tracks. With a sharp intake of breath, Dakota found herself face to face with Darth Maul, his red lightsaber ignited and held menacingly at her neck.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Dakota stared into the piercing yellow eyes of her adversary, the air laden with tension as they stood locked in a silent standoff. She could feel the heat of the lightsaber against her skin, and the thundering of her own heartbeat, a stark reminder of the danger that lurked in the grimiest parts of her galaxy.

But even in the face of such overwhelming odds, Dakota refused to back down. With a flicker of movement, Dakota raised her own lightsaber, the blade igniting with a snap as she prepared to defend herself against Maul's inevitable attack. Though her heart pounded with adrenaline, she remained focused, her senses attuned to the slightest shift in the air as she braced herself for the confrontation that lay ahead.

"Ah, the peacekeeper. Why am I not surprised?" he exhaled, stalking with calculated footsteps.

"You certainly shouldn't be, we've been hot on your trail for quite some time now, Maul" she positioned her defense stance.

"And where did that get you?" he snarled lowly "Pinned down, surrounded, doomed to die by my hand?"

In that moment, as they stood poised on the brink of battle, Dakota knew that she was walking a razor's edge between life and death by giving him time for dialogue. But she refused to be cowed by the darkness that surrounded her. "We've been at this cross-roads before. And just as it was then, your confidence in our demise is ill-placed"

"And do you plan to escape with your tail between your legs this time?"

"Yes," she said boldly, defiantly. "While dragging you in chains with me. Or your corpse, whatever comes first"

Maul pointed a threatening finger at her. "Aimless threats will amount to nothing in the end. I am not afraid of you, Jedi"

The air tightened like an iron fist around an exposed neck and she hissed, eyes blazing "You will be."

Tunnel vision swirled and consumed her fully, rendering the rest of the world a second-class citizen after her primary target. The clash between Darth Maul and Dakota unfolded like a violent ballet, each movement a precise and calculated maneuver in the deadly dance of combat. Dakota's fighting style was a testament to her agility and finesse, her movements fluid yet imbued with a razor-sharp precision that cut through the air with lethal grace.

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