13 | Healing

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Dakota and Rex ventured deeper into the cavernous depths, the oppressive darkness baring heavier upon them with each step. The echoes of their footfalls reverberated off the walls, a haunting reminder of the isolation that encompassed them. The air grew colder, biting at their skin with icy tendrils that seemed to seep into their very bones.

Rex matched her step for step, her inhale was his exhale. He watched her back and she kept the lookout on his front. With the clone Captain by her side, the cold was unworthy adversary. Anywhere that he was, was where she wanted to be too, never mind that it was a labyrinth that could result in their souls becoming lost within the earth. Just so long as they were together.

Dakota lead the way with her lightsaber sheathed in her hand, her senses attuned to the faint whispers of the Force that oozed from the very walls. An invisible trail of footprints guided her steps, and there was no doubt in her mind that the spirit continued to lead her even then. They descended deeper into the labyrinthine caves.

Finally, after hours of searching, they came across the missing squad of clones, their shivering forms huddled together in a desperate attempt to stave off the biting cold. The flickering glow of their fading headlamps illuminated their weary frames, etched with exhaustion and despair. Some clung to each other for warmth, their trembling hands grasping onto the thin hope of survival, while others lay motionless, their bodies already succumbing to the ravages of hypothermia.

Dakota and Rex dropped down into the dreary place and rushed to their side, their eyes taking in the pitiful scene before them. "Commander" she took a knee just ahead of the clone that sat at the head of the cluster. His armor identified his rank.

"G-general" his teeth chattered, body trembling.

"We can guide you out of here. Who of you can still move?" she asked, putting her hand to his shoulder.

"I-I can't m-move my l-legs" he faltered.

She nodded, giving his shoulder a subtle shake. The hypothermia had already ravaged his body. She masked her concern. "Don't worry, we'll get you out of here. I promise you" But despite their efforts, the pall of despair hung heavy in the air, a silent reminder of the fragility of life in the face of nature's unforgiving wrath.

As she counted the remaining, Dakota's gaze fell upon two Jedi tucked into the shadows, Depa Billaba and her Padawan, Caleb Dume. Depa lay motionless, her once vibrant spirit extinguished by the icy grip of death. She stood up abruptly from beside the Commander, making her way towards the fallen Master. Her Padawan Caleb sat off to her lifeless side, his eyes filled with grief and despair.

Dakota knelt beside him slowly, not taking her eyes off her motionless comrade. It appeared to be that a bullet from a droid blaster had also punctured her side, just below her ribcage, and led to her untimely death. She reached her fingers out, placing them gingerly over the cold hand of Depa. Rex stood just behind her, an anchor amidst the iced heartache that plagued the members of the Order.

"Motir ca'tra nau tracinya. Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a. Cuun hett su..." Dakota bid lowly, reciting the benediction that she knew by heart so that the lost soul of her friend would lift up into the heavens. The cold was seeping into her skin as well, but she needed to remain strong for the weak "Ki, kadi norm'iim"

The Padawan's ears perked at the foreign tongue and that pulled him from his depressed state. It was as if he had just realized that two people had come to their rescue. Once the final words of the departing verse were given, Rex broke away to rally up the remaining living clones. The strongest of them helped the wounded and the half frozen. He barked orders, explaining to them their plan for escape. The Captain had made sure to track their movements through the tunnels to the best of his ability. He was certain that they could navigate their way out.

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