11 - The Crown

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I was already seated on the back deck with a steaming cup of coffee by the time the sun's rays started to peek out over the horizon.

After tossing and turning for about an hour or so last night after my nightmare, I gave up on sleep. I sat up and read (or tried to), and once it was a decent enough hour, I showered and got ready, making sure I wasn't waking up Dad.

I then found my way here, where I had been sitting for an hour or so.

I couldn't stop thinking about Kyle.

Did it mean something that he had been in my nightmares all these years? Was I finally remembering? Or was it just my mind playing tricks on me again?

While it wasn't unusual for those who had graduated to come back for the homecoming party - and there were a fair amount of people from the classes above us there that night - I didn't remember seeing Kyle. And I'm pretty sure I would have remembered that before I got drunk.

Kyle was the sort that always made his presence known wherever he was.

"Yer up early, Lady Bug."

I jumped, turning in my chair to see my father walk out, fully dressed and ready for the day.

"Couldn't sleep," I murmured, watching him approach me.

He stopped and looked over toward the Carlisle house.

"God, I can't stand them. Brett's not so bad, but the rest of 'em... Melinda's been tryin' to set me up with that cousin of hers for ages. Just as flighty and obsessed with money and prestige as-"

Dad snapped his lips shut, looking down into his coffee mug. I knew what he wanted to say, but I wasn't sure why he was censoring his feelings about Mom around me.

It wasn't like I was a fan, either.

"You know... You're allowed to date if you want to, Dad. Even if it's not Melinda's cousin."

Dad's eyes widened as he stared at me. I quickly drank my coffee, my eyes fixed on the ground.

"I, well, truthfully, I haven't had much time. And it's not like there's a lot of choices in this town." He chuckled softly. "I honestly think I'm over the whole marriage thing. I got ya back home. Got the clinic. Reckon that's 'bout all I need.

I looked up at him, seeing the light sheen of tears in his eyes. Something warm was in the pit of my stomach. I wished I could tell him how grateful I was that he had helped me escape Mom, but the only thing forming was a large lump in my throat.

I started to open my mouth but took another sip of my coffee. There was a small gleam in Dad's eyes. Like he understood without me speaking a word.

"I gotta go into the clinic. Got some files I need ta go over and a few patients who really need to see me today. Ya think you'll be fine here by yerself?"

I nodded, biting back the disappointment. I had hoped we could start working through Grams things together. Maybe I'd finally build up the courage to talk about everything hanging in the air over us.

But it looked like it wouldn't be today.

It was okay. I wasn't going anywhere. We'd eventually get there.

"I might start going through Grams' things."

"Sounds good. There's no rush on it or anythin'," he said with a smile. "You can... take some time to relax. Get used to bein' home again."


Dad walked over and kissed the top of my head, then turned and walked back into the house, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Looking back out at the backyard, I thought about where I should start. There was so much to do, despite Dad's encouragement to rest and get settled. Already I was feeling ansty.

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