27 - The Return

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I didn't feel like the same person.

I couldn't properly explain it, still trying to put words to the things coursing through me as Brett parked in the large lot next to a pavilion that overlooked the lake. It wasn't right at the water's edge, but people were already milling around on the beach—everyone with drinks in hand.

I sat in the truck and watched as people pulled ice chests from the backs of cars and trucks, lugging them to the lit-up event space as music blared.

This should have terrified me. Why wasn't I currently shaking in fear?

My eyes drifted over toward the woods. We weren't far from the clearing where the homecoming party used to be held. Maybe just a five-or-so-minute walk through the trees. The place where we currently sat used to be where people parked for a swimming area that seemed to no longer exist.

It's where we parked that night we came out to the party.

Now that I thought about it, we weren't particularly good at hiding the fact we were having a party in the woods with tons of underage drinking.

"Are ya ready for this?"

I looked over at Brett, seeing him studying me, the concern evident on his face. He had cleaned up while I had snuck into my house to grab a few things to change into and freshen up. I probably should have just gotten ready at home, but I hadn't wanted to run into my father.

I would deal with him later. Tonight was about getting the truth out of Stephanie. And battling the demons that had been following me for over five years.

"Let's get this over with," I said firmly, pushing my door open and hopping out of the truck.

I walked around to the front and waited for Brett to join me. He gave me a smile as he took my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. He then lifted it to his lips, kissing the back of my hand. I couldn't help the blush that spread across my cheeks.

"You sure about this?" I asked, glancing down at our hands as we started walking.

"Folks'll talk no matter what. Reckon we should give 'em somethin' entertainin' to talk about," he replied, giving me a crooked grin.

I chuckled as we continued, nearing the pavilion. The music was loud, almost too loud. For a moment, I felt a wave of dizziness as my stomach pitched. I blinked a few times, my vision flinting between the large crowd of people gathered and the remnants of the bonfire. I shook my head, determined I wouldn't lose it tonight.

No, I was going to be strong. Take a stab at being this new Aisling—the one who faced her fears and didn't let the guilt consume her anymore. I wasn't 100% sure how it would work out, but I had to try at least.

We walked into the party, Brett taking the lead as we walked around the edge of the crowd.

"There," he shouted over the music, pointing off.

I saw Leo standing with his arm around Maizie and a beer in his hand, talking to someone. A large ice chest sat on the ground near them. Maggie was nowhere in sight, but I had a feeling she'd find us in due course.

We walked over to Leo and Maizie as Leo turned away from his conversation with a guy I couldn't place. I at least recognized that he was older than us.

"Well, well... took ya long enough," Leo said with a grin, his eyes falling on our hands.

I started to pull mine away, but Brett held onto it with a tight grip. He looked down at me, grinning as he pulled me closer, pecking my cheek.

"Thought the rule was to be fashionably late," he replied, looking over at his best friend.

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