19 - That Night

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"It's gonna be you." I was practically jumping up and down on my toes.

"Stop it. We don't know that," Maeve said as she glanced at the people standing near us, though the smile on her face said another story altogether.

I rolled my eyes as I turned to face the stage, still full of giddy energy. Up front, I could make out Stephanie and her posse surrounding her, all of them no doubt assuring her that the homecoming crown was as good as hers. I couldn't wait to watch the smirk fall off her face when Maeve was named homecoming queen.

I could feel it in my bones.

Maeve was charismatic and far more approachable than Stephanie. Everyone genuinely liked her. And as her best friend, I couldn't have wanted anything more than this. Her moment to shine. God, I was giddier over this than when Maeve won student council president.

Glancing over at her, I was happy that whatever weird moment we had earlier was gone.

Finally, Principal Harris cleared his throat as he opened the envelope, looking around at the assembled students.

"And the 2017 Homecoming Queen is... Maeve Richards!"

Cheers erupted as I screamed and jumped, then threw myself on Maeve. A huge grin spread across her face, though she quickly pushed me back.

"The dress," she hissed, keeping her smile firmly in place as she smoothed her dress down.

"Right... sorry..."

Maeve made her way through the students, smiling graciously as she passed them before walking up the steps and bending slightly so the principal could place the glittering tiara on her hair. Brett - who had just been crowned homecoming king - walked up and handed her a bouquet of flowers. Maeve accepted them before looping her arm through his as Principal Harris announced the two of them again.

My cheeks hurt I was grinning so much as I stood towards the back of the crowd, still clapping for her. I waited, knowing that Maeve would eventually catch my eye. She looked around at other students, winking towards Stephanie, which had me giggling. The other girl was positively fuming over her loss. Maeve then looked over at Brett. Glancing towards me, she leaned into him, whispering something in his ear.

No. Oh no. What was she saying? I could already feel my cheeks heat up, worry filling me that she was telling him about my crush. Surely, she wouldn't. She promised she wouldn't.

No. No. No.

Brett blushed as he scratched the back of his neck, an embarrassed look coming over his face. Maeve moved closer to him, her expression slipping into one I knew all too well. In an instant, my worry morphed into something else altogether.

That was Maeve's flirty look.

It was like a switch had been flipped. Rather than happiness over her win, I was now full to the brim of loathing. Devious plans began crowding into my mind.

I imagined a light falling on top of her. Maeve choking on a cookie from the snack table. A car running over her in the parking lot. Me stabbing her with a pair of scissors. A million different macabre, bloody scenarios flashed through my mind.

It happened so quickly that I was shocked. I shook my head, frowned, and stared at the ground. Sure, I was no stranger to these kinds of intrusive thoughts, but they were typically toward Stephanie or Vanessa, or any of my other bullies.

Heat filled my cheeks as I glanced around nervously. I never felt such rage toward my best friend. Surely, no one saw that.

"Come on, folks. Let's give our homecoming king and queen some space for their dance," the principal said through the microphone.

I was frozen in my spot as teens shuffled around before me, opening up space on the dancefloor. Maeve handed off her flowers as Brett led her down the stairs. He placed his hand on her waist and lifted the other, leaving a good distance between them. But Maeve wasted no time cozying up to him as "Say You Won't Let Go" began to play.

I glanced around and managed to keep the smile on my face. I could not let anyone know I was upset.

But no one was looking at me.

No, their eyes were fixed on Maeve and Brett gently rocking side to side as they moved in a slow circle. Maeve rested her head on his shoulder, her eyes somehow finding mine as she smiled.

I smiled a bit brighter, blinking rapidly as I felt tears burning my eyes. I even gave her a double thumbs up, though everything inside me screamed, "HOW COULD SHE?!"

Maeve was always telling me I needed to make a move on Brett before someone else managed to catch him... I guess she was right...

 I guess she was right

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