20 - The Weakest Link

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I couldn't stop picking at my lips with my teeth. I was practically chewing my bottom lip apart as I sat in the passenger seat of Brett's truck. He said it made more sense for us to ride together to the party, but I knew it was mostly so he could give me a pep talk.

I could use one right now. I was keyed up from sneaking out of the house so I wouldn't have to explain where I was going to Dad. It's not like it was all that hard, considering he was locked up in his study again. Ever since I asked him how he knew to pick me up at the lake, he'd been pushing me away.

I didn't blame him, even though it hurt. And it's not like I could say much. I was keeping my own secrets.

"Look, if ya feel uncomfortable, just... squeeze my hand or my arm. Or ya can tell me. We'll leave. Right away. No questions," Brett said, glancing from the road to me.

"It's fine," I said, looking out the passenger window.

It wasn't. But I needed it to be. I wasn't sure how I was going to handle this. Me in parties didn't have a good track record. Maeve disappeared at the first one I'd been to and I still carried the embarrassment of waking up in the ambulance at the one party I attempted to go to after I left Oklahoma.

But I had to do this for Maeve. We had to find out more information.

We finally pulled up and parked on the street about a block or so back from the large Victorian in town where Stephanie's parents lived.

"She still lives with her parents?" I asked, watching as people walked down the street toward the house.

"Yeah. Said it's just until she can get a place in OKC after she starts her new job," Brett said, also watching the people.

"What job?"

"Dunno. I'm not sure how she even got one, considering she's never worked a day in her life." Brett rolled his eyes. "It's probably for her dad."

I looked back as more people walked up to the house. We didn't have a particularly large class, but it looked like most were here. Cars lined the street and filled the driveway in front of the house.

Right. I could do this.

"I'm serious. If somethin' happens and ya ain't feelin' good, tell me," Brett said, reaching over to me.

I looked down at our interlocked hands, flutters filling my stomach before I looked up at him. I offered a small smile and was about to thank him when a knock on the window nearly had me pissing myself.

I whipped around, seeing a grinning Leo leaning against the truck.

"Finally," he stated.

Sure that I was blushing, I pulled my hand from Brett's and motioned for Leo to get out of the way so I could exit. Instead, he pulled the door open for me. I hopped out and smoothed down my dress as I looked nervously towards the house.

"So the plan. I'll work the place while ya'll go for Maggie," Leo said, sounding somewhat official. "We reconvene afterward and share what we learn."

"Are you seriously going to interrogate people at a party?" I asked.

Leo just grinned at me like he did this sort of thing all the time.

"Seems ya weren't listenin'. Ya'd be surprised how much ya can learn by eavesdroppin' when alcohol is involved. I won't need to interrogate anyone," he said as he turned and started strolling towards the house.

I took a deep breath and straightened up.

"You can do this," I whispered, even though my nerves were short-circuiting.

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