21 - That Night

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"Would you stop it! We'll be fine!" Maeve laughed, turning to walk backward on the trail.


"No, I won't let you ruin tonight with your stupid worries. Your parents have no reason to call. Mine are in the City and also have no reason to call. They all think we're at my house, safe and sound. Being the responsible teenagers that we are," she said, frowning at me. "For once in your life, could you at least try to act cool, Ash?"

"Sorry, right." I tucked my hair behind my ear.

If only it was that simple. It irked me that Maeve could so easily glide over the fact that we both knew it wouldn't be a simple grounding if my mother found out. But at the same time, I didn't want to ruin her night by bringing that up.

Maeve grinned and spun around, skipping down the forest path to the clearing where the party was being held.

"You could help," Natalie griped in front of us. She shifted the large 24-pack of beer in her arms. "This thing weighs a ton."

"We're almost there," Maeve chirped.

I could hear loud music and voices, and the glint of firelight was flickering through the trees. While I was still nervous about getting caught, I couldn't ignore the excitement coursing through me.

I had never done something like this. Sneak out. Go to a party. Granted, I wouldn't know the first thing about any of the parties in town. No one told me things like that. Maeve knew all about them, though. She had been trying to talk me into sneaking out since we both got our driver's licenses.

"This is it." Maeve giggled as she glanced back, flashing me a grin before we entered the clearing.

I stopped, my eyes widening as I took in the sheer amount of people here. I wasn't sure why I had thought it would be small. This was the notorious homecoming party. Everyone came to this thing. It looked like most people from our school were here. As were people who had already graduated. I was kind of amazed that they even fit in the clearing.

"Ash, come on!"

I looked over and saw Maeve standing next to her sister. Natalie was unloading the beer into a cooler with ice. I walked over to the two, but before I could reach them, Maeve was surrounded by a gaggle of girls.

"Oh my God, did you see Stephanie's face when you won?"

"That dress is amazing. Where did you get it?"

"I knew you'd win. I voted for you."

I stepped back, smiling weakly as Maeve greeted her adoring fans. She looked over at me, her eyebrows raised. Turning, she reached for something and then turned back to me, pushing through the crowd.

"Loosen up," she hissed, pressing something into my hands.

I looked down at the beer can and back up at her. I opened my mouth to decline the offer, but Maeve gave me a pointed look.

"Remember the list?"

I sighed as I opened the beer and then took a cautious sip. It wasn't the best-tasting liquid, but it could have been worse. I held it up with a smile. Maeve grinned and then turned back to the others. I stepped back to give more room to the growing group.

"What's it feel like winning?"

"Did you have fun at the dance?"

"I saw you and Brett... anything going on there?"

I cringed when I heard that question, glancing over at the group. Maeve met my eyes for a moment before giggling.

"Oh, well, Brett's not really my type, but..."

I took a step closer, wanting to hear more, but not at the same time. This was my crush. The one I had for ages. I wanted to know what she was planning but wasn't sure if I could handle hearing that Brett was head over heels for my best friend.

I'd step back, of course. If he liked her and Maeve really liked him. All I ever wanted was for my best friend to be happy.

Even if it meant giving up on what I wanted in the process.

"Oh my God, tell us!"



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