10 - That Night

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"So... who do ya think will be at the party tonight?"

Maeve stopped dabbing her brush in blush and glanced at me in the mirror before returning to her task.

"Not sure. Natalie says lots of people come out for it. Suspect we'll see a few folks that graduated." She turned to me and began brushing the blush across my cheek. "I'm sure Brett will be there."

I probably wouldn't need the blush with how my cheeks were heating up.

"He was there last year."


"So... you know what you're supposed to do," Maeve challenged, raising an eyebrow.


Maeve huffed and put the brush down, crossing her arms over her middle as she glared at me.

"Seriously, Ash? We've been over this."

I looked at the floor, playing with the tie of my worn fleece robe. I knew the plan was that I was supposed to talk to him. Well, Maeve wanted me to do more. But I still wasn't sure it was such a good idea. Sure, he'd always been nice to me, but I didn't think I could handle his ultimate rejection.

"Jeez, I'm not saying you have to confess your undying love to him, Ash. Just... talk. About something other than homework and class." Maeve rolled her eyes and spun on her toes.

I followed her out of my bathroom and into my bedroom. She walked over to the garment bag hanging outside my closet door, which contained her dress. She unzipped it and carefully pulled the beautiful red dress out.

Her mother was truly an artist. I had been with them when they picked up the dress at J.C. Penney. It was on sale, and Maeve had lamented that it was last season, but her mother had added flourishes that made it unique. Honestly, it looked better than the high-end dress my mother had bought for me.

"My, that's a fancy dress, Maeve."

We both turned to look at my opened door, seeing Grams standing there. While her smile was the warm smile I was used to, there was something off about her eyes.

"Thanks, Mrs. Turner. My mother personalized it," Maeve said, oddly formal.

I furrowed my brow, looking back and forth between the two. It was strange. Maeve had always called her Grams - like I did. Where did this come from?

"It's amazing what you can do with some artistic talent and $30," Maeve continued, looking back at the dress.

"Just checkin' to see if you girls were almost ready. Your mothers are gettin' anxious for photos," Grams said, her eyes lighting up as she looked at me. "You look gorgeous, Aisling."

"Thanks... Maeve did my makeup and hair..."

Grams raised an eyebrow, looking over at Maeve.

"How kind of you."

"Ash is my best friend."

Once again, the temperature in the room had a chilly edge.

"Well, you look beautiful. I reckon just about any boy at that dance is gonna have a hard time keepin' their eyes off you," Grams said, returning her warmth to me. "Though, be careful."

"Grams, I highly doubt that." I walked over to my own garment bag to get my dress out. "Besides, tonight is about Maeve. She's likely to win homecoming queen."

"Is that so?"

"Better. We've been campaignin' for forever," I replied, gently pulling my dress out and laying it on my bed.

I looked up, finding Grams staring at Maeve. Looking back and forth between them, it felt like some sort of silent conversation was happening. I couldn't quite gather what it was about. Grams finally smiled as she looked over at me.

"Hurry up and get ready, darlin'. I can't wait to see you in your dress."

She left, shutting the door behind her. Maeve had already shucked off her robe and was getting into her dress. Once it was on, she turned her back to me, waiting.

"What was that about?" I asked as I zipped her up.


"You and Grams?"

"Nothin'. Now, get in your dress!"

Maeve spun around, grinning as she motioned toward the garment on the bed.

"You heard. Don't want to keep folks waitin'..."


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