14 - The Deputy

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There were many situations in which I felt out of place. That was a fact, and it had been that way since I was born.

But nothing quite reached the heights of walking up to the front door of the Carlisles' giant house. I knew it was enormous - I did grow up next door, after all. But I had never actually been here.

Gulping down my nerves, I reached up and rang the doorbell and stepped back, tightly gripping the bottle of wine I had picked up from the liquor store just outside of town earlier. I had a small moment of panic trying to pick one out. I got Grams' favorite bottle, figuring Melinda Carlisle's taste was likely similar. At the very least, it would be considered classy.

Thankfully, Dad had to be at the clinic, so hadn't been around to question my trip to the store or why I was dressed up and heading over to a barbecue at the Carlisles'. I was equally grateful that I had a nice sundress that would fit the occasion.

Before I was ready, the door opened, and I immediately plastered a smile on my face.

"Ya made it," Brett said, grinning at me.

I was surprised to see him in something other than jeans. He wore a nice pair of gray slacks, his light blue, short-sleeve button-up untucked, yet still fashionable. He pulled me into a bear hug before stepping back, a grin still on his face.

"I brought wine," I said mechanically as I held it out, flustered by his display of affection. While the party was likely outside in the backyard, there were still a fair number of people around.

And they were all watching us.

"Ya didn't need to do that." He chuckled as he took it from me. "But thanks."

He shut the door and motioned for me to follow him. I tried to keep myself from frantically looking around, taking note of all the people present. This was going to be okay. I could do this. Nervously, I tucked a curl behind my ears and tried to channel Grams again.

"Ya look nice," Brett said, glancing at me.

"Thanks." I was sure my cheeks were flushing pink.

We walked through the house, and I tried hard to keep from gawking at the opulence around me. The house was newer than ours and bigger, but Grams would have many things to say about Melinda Carlisle's choice of decor. It looked as though she couldn't make up her mind between classic antiques fit for an English manor and rustic chic that was more at home in a Southern country house.

Not to mention the sheer amount of Bible verses on display.

Finally, we walked through large French doors left open to the backyard. There was a large, inground pool surrounded by a concrete and tile pool deck. Folks stood in small groups around it and in the large yard surrounded by a cattle fence, though the largest group was near an outdoor bar to the left. On the right was a high-end outdoor barbecue area with a grill and smoker. Carl was currently stationed there, though I was fairly sure the man in the apron next to him was doing the actual cooking. And hired for the event.

Brett led me to the bar, where he set the wine down and ordered a beer from the bartender. He then looked at me.

"Just a beer, please," I said, smiling at the bartender.

The young woman handed both over, and I turned to take in the large crowd that somehow still didn't entirely fill the entire backyard.

"Wow. This is not what our barbecues were like."

"Appearances." Brett sighed. "And honestly, ya don't want my mama's cookin'."

I snorted, glancing over at him.

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