28 - History Repeats

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I wasn't in the clearing anymore.

I was stumbling through the trees, calling out for Maeve. I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me back into a hard chest.

"Found ya."

Kyle had been at the party.

Immediately, I began shaking as the world crashed around me. I thought they were just dreams. They had to be. Everyone told me that. All the doctors. My mother. And then discovering that something had been slipped into my drink... there was no way I could remember anything about that night after I drank from that red solo cup.

But if Kyle had actually been there...

No. They were just nightmares. Had to be. The only reason Kyle showed up in my dreams is because of the interaction with him after Grams' funeral. That was the only explanation that made sense. Because there was no way my nightmares had been me remembering that night.

It couldn't be.

But then again... that didn't explain why I heard that voice - felt those arms trapping me - well before I came back to Oklahoma.

Fuck. He had been there all along. I had been dreaming about Kyle being there that night since the beginning. What the hell did this mean?

Dizziness was threatening to take over. I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead, fighting to stay upright. None of this was making any sense. I couldn't remember that night. It was impossible.


I started, jumping as I felt Brett's hand on my arm. He didn't move, watching as I flinched back and then wrapped my arms around myself. I could feel everyone watching me, but I wasn't sure how to explain what was going through my head.

"Did you know he was there?" I asked, looking at Brett. "At the party?"

"I didn't see him but reckoned. He always went. Why?" he asked. His face then completely transformed, anger replacing the concern that had been there. "Do you remember something?"

I took another step back, my mouth opening and closing as I tried to come up with how to answer that question. Did I remember something? I wasn't sure.

"She just said she didn't know he was there," Stephanie said with a snort. "God, work on your listening comprehension, Brett. I'm drunk, and even I caught on that."

I looked over, nearly forgetting she was even here. Stephanie took another drink from her flask, shooting a look at Brett, though stumbled yet again. Shit, she was really drunk. Granted, that was the least of my worries at the moment.

"Maybe I should take her back to the party," Leo said, approaching Stephanie.

"I'll help," Maggie chirped. "We can find Vanessa and get Steph home, then check with Tarren and his brother. Confirm her alibi."

Thank God. Whatever was going to happen next, I didn't want an audience.

I watched as they helped a giggling Stephanie out of the clearing, waiting until they were far enough away that they couldn't hear us before looking at Brett. He was clenching and unclenching his hands, looking as though he was physically fighting off the urge to go find his brother and rip him apart.

"Did he hurt you?" Brett asked softly, though I could hear the rage in his voice.

"No," I said immediately. I then grimaced. "I mean... I don't know. I didn't think he was there - I don't remember anything, but..."

"But what?"

I jumped, taking a step back from him. While I knew Brett would never hurt me, I was a bit spooked right now. Brett must have seen the fear in my eyes because he immediately shook his head, his body relaxing just a smidge. He took a few steps away from me, giving me space.

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