25 - Harsh Truths

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I was shocked at how calm my voice sounded, considering my heart rate began to spike and my hands were getting clammy.

"The alumni party... it's at the lake this year," Brett said cautiously.

I closed my eyes, taking deep, calming breaths as best I could.

There was no way this could be right.


God, why did it have to be at the lake?

It felt like an eternity, yet seconds passed as I stood in the street, my hands clenched into fists and my breathing increasingly ragged. Eventually, my eyes popped open, and my feet began moving, taking me down the street. I could hear Brett calling after me, asking me to follow him to his truck.

I ignored him.

All I could think about was getting home. Getting away from the entire town that was now lining Main Street and cheering as floats from various classes passed them by, tossing out candy.

"Ash, wait!"

Onward, I marched down the empty road until I got to my grandmother's car and got in. It was a miracle that I somehow managed to drive. Something akin to auto-pilot kicked in as I took the neighborhood streets over to First since Main Street was completely blocked off.

The Alumni Party was going to be at the lake this year.

Who in their right fucking mind thought that was a good idea?

I white-knuckled the steering wheel the whole time I drove, not really watching where I was going. I made it through town okay, but as soon as I hit the city limits on Rt. 66, I gunned it, driving like a woman possessed. I didn't even pay attention to Brett following me.

Once I hit the dirt roads, he was lost in the dust.

I fish-tailed as I tore down the road, only slowing down to turn into the long driveway in front of my house. Rather than pull into the garage, I left the Cadillac haphazardly parked in the driveway and jumped out, stomping straight back to the barn. For whatever reason, it had become my safe space.

"Ash! Ash! Wait!"

I shoved the door open and went straight for the pack of cigarettes I had hidden inside, yanking them open so hard I ripped the top off. My hands were shaking so badly I couldn't even get the damn thing lit. I watched as the pack, the lone cigarette, and my lighter fell to the dusty floor.

Voices filled my head, shouting so loudly it was all I could hear.

"Do not be a loser.... Everyone goes to the party at the lake..."

"It'll be fun! Loosen up, Ash..."

"This year is going to be fucking amazing..."

I began pacing around in tight circles as Maeve flooded my mind.

"Aisling, what's wrong?"

"I'm fine... Juss drunk... I think... Brett..."

I was yet again stuck in the past. I vaguely remembered Maeve's blurry face in front of me. The sparkle of the tiara. Her hands on my cheeks as she tilted my head back to look into my eyes. Eyes that couldn't focus on anything.

And then she was gone.

All could remember seeing after that was a blur of red disappearing into the trees.

"Come back..."

"Ash! Come back to me!"

I blinked and looked up, realizing that Brett had my arms in his hands. He was shaking me. When my eyes met his, his hands left my arms and cupped my face gently.

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