Part 15

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A memory surrounded them they saw naruto standing with sai, sakura and Captain yamato and a few feet above them was teenage sasuke. Naruto didn't want to be there but he only joined as he wanted to see how far sasuke has gotten.

Whatever happens today will help with naruto decision should he bring him back or not but he just wanted to punch that smirk off sasuke face cause it looked like sasuke thought he was a bove them.

Sakura was frozen she couldn't believe her eyes sasuke was in front of her again but more handsome...she had to bring him back"sasuke?" she said softly but he had heard her.

He looked at her before scoffing"you look weak sakura didn't you learn? Or your just a fangirl?" he asked getting a shocked gasp from her she didn't expect that.

Naruto rolled his eyes he can tell they end up together but right now never maybe in a few years when sasuke had his revenge on itachi.
"sasuke" he said making sasuke look at him.

Sasuke smirked"so this is team seven?  What's he....ny replacement?he is weak and where is kakashi?" he asked as he jumped down in front of them.

Yamato nodded"kakashi is in hospital so ill be in charge sasuje uchiha we are here to bring you back" he said but got punched in the stomach.

Naruto sighed he so didn't want to be here just three more days and he seap with a blood clone..."sasuke don't hurt our sensei and it looks like you are not coming with us so I guess fighting is the only way"

Sasuke smirked "remember our last fight you lost so you'll lose once again" he said slowly withdrawing his sword from his back.

Naruto laughed "I lost on purpose sasuke I just didn't use my whole power on you....but I'll use that today" he said making sasuke angry.

The snakeman appeared grinning"now, now no fighting sasuke...we leaving bye bye!" he said as him and assume disappeared.

The memory faded the two kids were shocked the two wanted to fight! 

Sasuke scratched his head he had remembered that he was so in revenge that he didn't care for anybody his view has changed.

"so how long are we gonna keep watching? " brouto asked but nobody answered

A memory appeared naruto was next to a tree he added chakra to the tree and appeared inside his village he smiled he had swapped with a blood clone so everything went well.

He walked into head office and shouted"im back~" he sang causing ashina and faguke San laugh"welcome back everyone has missed you!" they gave naruto a hug.

He left and went to his house he entered and saw itachi playing with a 11 month mito who's hair had grown her eyes got lighter."papa!" she said before pointing at me"dada!" she said giggling.

Itachi looked at me and smiled "yes it is your dada good job" he said picking her up and walked over to naruto"I've missed you" he said kissing him.

Naruto kissed back"me baby how are you?" he said taking into out of itachi arms who pouted"you've grown so much!" he cried in happiness.

Mito giggled at naruto"dada!" she said smiling naruto smiled giving her a kiss on the head before putting her inside her playpool.

Naruto looked over at itachi who pulled him in for a hug"I've missed you naru.....i missed every part of you" he said grinning.

Naruto smirked a little kissing itachi" I've got to go" he said running out the house making itachi narrow his eyes he was gonna catch naruto but for now he had to put Mito asleep.

Naruto had walked into the academy the kids ran and jumped on Naruto they had missed him they couldn't wait when he teach them more.

Naruto laughed  "alright I get it now back to your seats" he said making them stand up and run to their seats.

Naruto had given them two new scrolls that he wanted them to learn before the end of the month he then left and went back into the house where itachi had an evil smile on his face....naruto was doomed.

They memory faded making the kids pout and sasuke glare.

Sasuke just wanted to know why he hid this from him?

A memory surrounded them naruto just turned 16 a few days ago.....but now he was reading over a letter tsunade sent to him sasuke  had killed itachi blood clone.

Since sasuke killed itachi and learnt the truth what will he do next will he go back to the village or will he stay a missing nin.

It has been a month since he came back the village was getting stronger and stronger.kurama walked in with mito strapped to his chest she was asleep....naruto smirked it was cute to see."look at you such a sweet god father!" he said getting a glare from kurama.

"well I don't want to end up like jiraiya when you found out he was your god father" he said remembering a black and blue jiraiya he handed a scroll to naruto"itachi told me to give it to you as his mother dragged him shopping"

Naruto took the scroll and opened it....oh so fakuge san wants the academy to start learning uchiha techniques? "well thanks I have to talk to fakagu san about this have fun!" he said kissing Mito head as he passed her.

Naruto went to fakagu san office he walked in"I heard you want to start helping the academy with the uchiha techniques?" naruto asked waving the scroll in his hand.

Fagaku looked at naruto"yes...since you gave uzumaki ones and the village is called uchimaki I should give the uchiha techniques aswell it might make everyone stronger then they are" he explained.

Naruto nodded "alright for now only one per month I do that with the uzumaki techniques but now I give then two as they are quick learners"

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