part 20

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A surrounded the three of them they were inside a hospital room Naruto was on the bed he had sweat on his forehead he was tired too. Itachi was next to him Naruto had given birth to the first baby who was a boy but the girl wasn't born yet and now Naruto had to push to get her out.

Itachi kissed Naruto head smiling"it's okay, let's count to three any try push as hard as you can" he said softly to Naruto.

Naruto glared at him it was Itachi fault he was in pain"uh...I hate you Itachi uchiha! You will never touch me again!" He hissed out in pain.

The doctors surrounded the couple as two of them were cleaning the first baby that was born."okay Naruto Sama it's time to push again!" One of them said and he did it helped but she wasn't out yet so he pushed one more time and she was finally out.

The doctors took her to clean her up as the other doctors helped clean Naruto and helped him change to a different bed he was now sore and in pain...but he was glad they are finally born.

Soon the doctors walked back to them and handed the boy to Naruto and the girl to Itachi they sat on the same bed "they are beautiful "Naruto whispered out so Itachi could hear.

Itachi smiled "that they are....what are we gonna name them?" He asked Naruto was naming the boy and Itachi was naming the girl.

He scanned them and saw their eyes are opened the girl had blue eyes it was a little darker but they were blue she had black and red hair but you hardly could see what colour it grow out....the boy had black eyes his hair was a mix of yellow and red it was kinda cute." I will name him Itaru Uchimaki" Naruto said smiling.

Itachi smiled the name was similar to his but not quite....he looked at his little girl and smiled "I will name you Narumi Uchimaki" he said smiling at her.

Naruto and Itachi smiled they had another two members in their family hopefully it was their last if it wasn't Naruto will kill Itachi.

The memory faded sasuke was shocked the children were cute but why hadn't Naruto say anything? He couldn't hide forever .

Brouto smiled he had two more siblings and they were so cute itaru and namumi.....he will meet them he will also meet Mito .

Sarada was happy she had another two cousins to get along with and they had red hair! With black but anyway she was just so happy she couldn't wait to meet them and Mito!

A memory surrounded them....two weeks went by since Naruto gave birth to the twins , Mito was happy to meet her siblings.

Right now Mito was with kurama while itachi went out for a mission Naruto was in the lounge with the twins sleeping in their cribs. He had noticed that the twins had to be together at all times or they cry for the other he guessed it's because it's their other half.

Neji has not awaken yet but he is getting better he hoped he wouldn't be angry at him as neji asked Naruto to harry his cousin....he had to figure out what he had to do?

But for now he had to review and finish his sketches the office,store rooms ,police force base, anbu base, spy base were built now he was working on the houses.

He sketched five houses now he has to finish the rest....he hears the door open and Itachi walked in with a smile"hey naru"he said kissing Naruto.

He handed Naruto a folder"looks like things have calmed down" Itachi said smiling.naruto opened the folder and scanned it....the leaf village were being built still everyone was drained but most are healed they had a funeral for the people who died on the battlefield Naruto clone and sasuke spoke....sasuke left to fillful his punishment he return in a few years he travel the country helping people...Naruto smiled closing the file"that's good at least he is trying I'll make up my mind if he gets better he can come see his family but he is not ready yet" Naruto said signing.

They heard crying from the twins room Naruto got up and walked to the room he saw that Narumi was crying he picked her up cooing her he walked out the room and grabbed a bottle of milk that was ready for the stills and started feeding her narumi went quiet soon after.

Itachi came in with Itaru who was also now crying he grabbed the second bottle and he did the same as Narumi he went quiet "I need to fetch Mito you can take care of them? I won't be long" Naruto asked Itachi nodded and took the twins to the room Naruto changed and grabbed the folder he went to the office first and put it with the rest of them.

He saw fugaku San was waiting In the office..."hello fugaku San is something wrong?" He asked him and smiled.

Fugaku San shook his head"no nothing it's just we just finished the last building and we wordering if the houses are done?" He asked Naruto smiled.

Naruto reached into his jacket pulling out a red folder and handed it to fugaku San "these are the ones I have done so why don't you start on that until I finish the others." Naruto said to fugaku San who nodded with a smile.

Naruto left and went to the park where he found Mito in a mud pile with kurama who looked amused he laughed"what do I see here?" He asked the two she looked at him Mito giggled at picked up some mud "it's muddy" she said smiling.

Naruto smiled"it is ...come on it's time to leave and you can see you siblings"he said and picked up he looked at kurama"next time ask for extra clothes if you want to had a mud pool" he said before walking away.

The memory faded away

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