part 21

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A memory surrounded the three of them they were in a room Naruto sat on the ground the twins were actually looked two already did they skip a few years? 

Itaru sat on the ground drawing well Narumi was playing with some toys they were two years old soon Mito walked in she was four years old she had long hair she wore some anbu pants and a blue t-shirt she looked dirty meaning she was in the training grounds ...she loves to train and learning about the history of the village.

Itaru liked to stay close to Naruto he wanted to learn from him for some reason he wanted to take over the village just after him.he had black eyes and his hair was blonde on the top of his hair till his shoulder and red till the bottom. He had grown his hair out..

Narumi had red hair with blonde at the bottom of her hair she also grew her hair out she wanted to be a medic ninja and Naruto had told tsunade about her dream and she said that she start when she turn six.

Naruto is 20 right now he and Itachi is happy with their family three beautiful children Naruto couldn't ask for anymore....but if it does then he be happy.

Naruto stood up itaru followed him making Naruto smile"Mito your father and I have been speaking since you always train we decided it's time to put you in the Academy....your about the right age" Naruto said making the children look at him.

Mito giggled and hugged her papa "really? I can study to be a ninja?!" She asked her black eyes widened big it was cute.

Naruto smiled at her "yea you a week you be starting how's that?" Naruto asked her.

"Yay! Thank you papa!!" She said smiling she ran out to the training ground ...even though she just came from there.

The memory faded and were shocked Mito was four and itaru and Narumi were already two! So they skipped a few years....

Sasuke was shocked with the twins hair it was nice but he still angry at Naruto

Brouto smiled he was glad his siblings were growing strong .

Sarada grinned she couldn't wait to meet them.

A memory surrounded them Naruto was with Itachi on a couch Naruto had his eyes closed . Itachi was watching him the twins were with a daycare school and Mito was in the academy.

Naruto was going through his clone memories as it was awhile since he checked them.

Naruto opened his eyes he sighed"my clone has fallen in love with hinata....they had a mission and he fell in love with her" he said making Itachi smirk"that's something how will you manage?" He teased.

Naruto shot Itachi a death glare "shut up! If my clone starts to date hinata I'll feel like I'm cheating on you " he snapped.

Itachi sighed and pulled Naruto into his lap " you are my husband we been married for two years we have three children and you are your own person and your clone has a different life so you are not cheating okay?" He said making Naruto smile

"Okay fine but if my clone has children with her it's will be difficult " Naruto said causing Itachi to smirk"why don't you bring her here?" Itachi asked.

Naruto shook his head"no not now"   he said before kissing Itachi .

Naruto looked out the window of the bedroom and saw the village he couldn't believe how much he changed it... He was twenty and he had made a village that died into a new one married Itachi had three children and everything was fine well if you count out the clone who is in love with hinata.

He had gotten information about sasuke that he still traveling but it seems that he has been sending sending to his clone and sakura. At least he was trying but Naruto thought it still wasn't time to show him that his family was alive and well....maybe when he goes back to the village and settles in then he show him.

Naruto sighed and got up"you have to fetch the twins I'll fetch Mito " he told Itachi who was watching him in slince"okay" Itachi said kissing Naruto before getting up and leaving Naruto left right after.

The memory faded leaving the three of them quiet Naruto/Hokage Sama/ dad clone fell in love with hinata/aunt hinata/ this is the part where they be getting their answers.

Brouto wanted to know why his dad would marry and have children when he he was already married and had three children he wanted those answers.

Sarada was confused but she did want hoagke Sama to give them the answers.

Sasuke was pissed he was fine then why did t Naruto tell him,? He was over his revenge...

Another memory appeared around them Naruto had a pout on his face and Jiraiya and kurama were sitting with him he found out the news that he never wanted to hear ever .

"What ever you found out can't be bad" kurama said with a smirk

Naruto glared at the fox"it is my blood clone that is in the leaf village is marrying hinata in two months time and she is pregnant with my clone baby" he explained making their eyes widened oh that wasn't good .

Jiraiya coughed"you told Itachi right?" He asked Naruto who shook his head"you have to Naruto and by the way are you pregnant again?" He asked

Naruto frowned in shock"....why would you think that?" He asked Naruto was sweating he didn't think he was pregnant he couldn't be right?

Kurama hummed"well you touching your stomach like you did well you were pregnant with Mito and the twins and your very hungry you keep wanting to take catnaps and working way to hard" he explained .

"....I'll visit the hospital soon okay? But I don't think I am" Naruto said signing.

"Anyway you must tell Itachi that you clone is getting married and having a baby remember your relationship has no secrets between you two" Jiraiya said

Naruto glared at him"I know that!" He snapped

He got up and left the house leaving the two men behind

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