Chapter 1

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On a mat was a teenager asleep in bed, the rising and fall of their chest. Suddenly a figure loomed over them and threw contents of a steel bucket onto them.

You woke and shot out of bed with a start. Your hair and sleep wear was completely drenched in ice cold water. You let out a small squak.

Blinking a few times to get blurriness and liquid out of their eyes. Revealing their new surroundings: A very small bedroom with a mat underneath them, a dressed and mirror.

An older man with balding hair on his head scowled at you and gave a swift kick to your side, sending pain into your ribcage.A jolt of pain through your body.

"Get up and back to work, batch. " the man stormed off out the room with an empty black bucket.

You didn't recognise the man. But he must be a relative.

Your memories from your past life was intact. Your heart was still shattered in a thousand tiny pieces. You died. Including your brief encounter with death entity and reincarnated.

You looked at your hands. They were smaller than they were before.

You looked in a mirror and saw reflection of (e/c) staring back at you. You slowly waves your hand , a teenage girl with soft grey locks that cascaded to your shoulder blades. You had (e/c) eyes. Nice skin tone too.

You even looked younger, too. Possibility in your early teen years.

Wondering around the single story house house and were able to get hold of a newspaper and read the date.

You were positive thought you'd arrive before the start of the first chapter and episode of Bungo Stray Dogs.

But the date didn't lie. 

You'd been reincarnated further back in the timeline where crime was more coomon and the police didn't do anything. Just before Mori had killed the former leader and became head of the port mafia. Dazai was his witness to the act.

At least you didn't have to be reborn into a baby, a toddler or even a child. That would be a nightmare.

The only downside. You were reincarnated in your early teens, and the puberty stayed. You'd already experienced it once before, and it was hectic.

To repeat it again. Your body had started to go through physical changes:  growth spurt, your almost forgotten how weird it was feel your limbs stretching, your chest was becoming bigger, your voice, higher emotions and the hormones.

Another little gift entity had bestowed on you was to naturally understand and read Kanji.

Japanese language. In addition get to keep any previous skills from your past life including English.

You wanted to learn some other basic languages too.

In light of past betrayal. You placed steel walls around your heart.

Also discovered your ability: Snow Maiden. The ability to control ice and snowflakes. 

You decided to keep it a secret from your family just in case.

You were born into a family with a foot in the poor part of Yokohama. Your relative was an absolute scumbag.

Every weekend, he'd always come by each weekend to steal money with no consideration of how it'll impact the family. Only his own greed.

Your parents couldn't say no to him. They were kind people. But were easily pushover for other people.

If they kept letting him have his way. One of these days, they would hit rock bottom. 

You had to make a choice. You could leave and make a life for yourself until you could find a way to help your parents or stay behind and succumb to the same cycle of intimidated and abused into being treated like a walk in ATM too. 

There was danger if they were to discover your ability. It wouldn't be good. Uncle would want to exploit you for ability.

If you refused. You could imagine uncle saying something to parents ever people pleasers would comply and guilt tripping you to use your ability for him. 'One time'. It'd turn to an endless toxic cycle of empty promises and being abused.
If things went south he'd throw you under the bus and let you take the fall for it.

It's not registered. You'd be arrested by police and thrown in jail or used for further illegal activities.

You'd never meet Dazai or meet the people who may become your future friends.

Your heart had been broken and were not about to deal with family drama too. 

You'd decided to take matters into your own hands.

Later that night after parents had gone to sleep, you slipped two pieces of paper on the sleeping mat with message.

As of today, I, l/n y/n am cutting all ties with the abusive ex-uncle. Anything that happens after is no longer my problem. He is on his own. 

To my parents, by the time you read this letter. I would have vanished. I cannot explain at given time why but trust it is for good reason. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I could not be strong child but I cannot stay here anymore. Not as long as he comes by.   but I promise I will find a way to repay your kindness and help you both out of this situation. I love you both.

You didn't leave a name at the bottom as the message itself was enough to get the message across.

After you grabbed a single backpack with minimal essentials and clothing you owned and slipped out the window.

Leaving in the middle of the night without a word.

You knew with the skills from your past life, you'd be able to make use of them to help you find work.

Who knows you could start a small business of your own. Maybe use some of money to help others.

You had two years until the Fifteen Arc and growing influence of mafia organization. You needed to be prepared for anything.

End of Chapter 1.

Ice Heart / Dazai Osamu X Reader (BSD)Where stories live. Discover now