Beast Ending (AU)

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Oda survived the dark era and changed sides. Akutagawa rejected the chance to join the mafia and was beaten down to the ground by Dazai, and his sister was taken hostage. Someday, the young boy promised that someday he would come defeat him.

The only window of opportunity you jad to leave the mafia slipped through your fingers like sand.  Whatever hope you'd ever escaped, the criminal organisation  Port Mafia was gone.

You had trusted Ango's word, and he'd betrayed you. Leaving you to defend yourself. The betrayal cut deep into your skin.

A woman twice scorned by men.

Osamu Dazai, the Demon protogy of the mafia, succumbed to the darkness and murdered the former head, Ougai Mori, in his office.

You and Dazai both knew the truth behind what had happened that fateful night.

You could still remember his purple eyes to look at you when he realised the nickname wasn't just in your personality or reputation as an informant.

You were an ability user through and through with the ability over Ice, Ice Maiden.

Over the years since his fall. Dazai had risen even higher succeeding where no other mafia boss had failed. Creating an empire that expanded through the entire underworld. Surpassing even his own predecessor.

Your heart became cold as ice and changed. You'd become your own worst nightmare. He became the mafia boss and with you at his side, his Ice Queen.

You stood by your mafia lover side.  Your hands on became drenched in the blood of guilty and innocent. You and Dazai had many romantic behind closed doors and secret kisses where no other eyes could see.

Gin became his assistant handling the paperwork. She was quiet but did well in the work without complaint. You may have become cold, but you weren't disrespectful to the loyal and faithful.

It wasn't long before Dazai got hold of Atsushi and Kyoko to work for him as executives. Training them into the perfect soldiers and sending them out on missions.

Soon. The time had come.

For the young Akutagawa sought to save his sister from the mafia and bring her into the light. To defeat Dazai once and for all. Oda and the Detective Arms Agency behind him.

The fight had begun, and only one side would be victorious.

The other would fall.

In that office. You sat nearby while Dazai talked to the former ally.

Dazai suspected there was a world Oda had died, and he'd lived on. Keeping tabs via his link to his counterpart in the main timeline. He was the sole protector of the book and knew its whereabouts.

His one and only wish was to create a world where Oda would live even at the cost of his own life.

You confirmed his story and did whatever it took to give Oda a chance to survive in this reality. Even that meant you'd lose your life, too.

You'd long since lost the will to live once again. No matter what timeline, whether the main or this beast. Your love for Dazai was bottomless without an end.

If Dazai wishes to depart from this life, you'd go down with him. He was your desire. Your true love you were bound to since the beginning of your recarnated life. You'd be at his side to the very end.

Near the end of the war between the Detective Arms Agency and the Port Mafia was near the end. Gin had been in the mafia for far too long and wouldn't leave it.

The enemies draw every nearer. Last glimpse you got of Oda. You forgave him for abandoning you all those years ago. He deserved better to live in the ought.

Your last advice for him was to pursue his love of writing. The people will need him in the times to come.

You and Dazai headed to the edge of the roof, the wind blowing over your dull grey locks and jacket. One last look over the very city you and your beloved had protected from the shadows.

It was beautiful and soon be safe for all of them. 

You joined your hands with his and jumped off the side of the tower. Descending through the air, your lives flashed before your eyes and embraced Dazai. His warmth against your cold skin. 

Together to the ultimate suicide.

The two lovers hit the ground far below with a splat. A pool of crimson liquid and gore spilled put onto the asphalt beneath the bodies of the deceased.

Osamu Dazai, The Port Mafia boss, the most successful one of all time and y/n/n, n/l/n aka The Ice Queen were dead. Their hands were entwined into death with smiles on their faces.

Not long after, it was confirmed that the couple were officially dead.

Dazai and y/n/n succeeded in creating an alternate universe where Oda lived on and Atsushi was free or burden of being hunted down and discovered truth from his past.

End of Beast AU

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