Chapter 17: Seventeen ARC Dark Era

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After the war a year prior and the loss of the Colonel during the Dragons head conflict left an empty spot.

A new executive had been chosen by the mafia boss. It was a dangerous pisition to be in with higher responsibilities.

The candidate had accomplished so much within a short span of time and wars. Proven his loyalty time and time again.

The demon prodigy, Osamu Dazai.

Which meant Nakahara Chuuya had lost to his rival for the position. He wasn't happy to be taking orders from Dazai of all people. Ticked off more of that was even possible.

But you knew it wouldn't be forever. If things turned out like the original storyline. He'd get his chance when he least expect it.

Now that Dazai was an executive. He got his own personal office and even more bodyguards and people to order around to do as he wished. Including you an informant and assistant.

He was responsible for searching and recruiting new members for the Port Mafia. It was only a matter of time before he stumbled across the young Atugawa in the slums and massacre that was to follow.

As much as you wanted to help the kid. It was too big a risk of being seen as a weak spot and used against you. Only the child himself could decide which path to follow.

As for you, you finished high school a year ahead of time and graduated. On the way to receiving an official work permit.

Dazai had taken your advice and invited Oda to become one of the drinking buddies. All he had to do was find one more person to join the three and ready to hot the backstreet bar, Lupin.

You knew very well who it was. But never had you expected to see Dazai waltz into the archives with Oda and try to convince your superior and boss Ango. Inviting him along.

You had to snatch a book away from Dazai before he could sneeze on it. You'd always suspected in the anime that it was intentional to destroy whatever information was inside.

You weren't about to let him destroy the pages. Did he have any idea how hard it was to get two sticky or wet pages away from each other without being stuck?

In your past life. One of my work colleagues had accidentally spilled coffee over important documents, which was left unattended and got stuck. No matter how you tried to move the pieces away. The pages wouldn't budge without the risk of being torn.

Even if you prevented the book from getting sneezed on. A few days later, one of the mafiscoc borrowed the book when it was returned. You had a look and disocvefed the pages were stuck together with puno chewing gum that wouldn't come off. Not without destroying the nearby pages.

You were forced to admit defeat and slipped it back on the shelf before Ango noticed.

Three days later.

A mafisoc had come to your place of work asking after you, when yiu asked, apparently one of the executives was summons to yiu to visit their office.

You asked their name.


It had not been the first time he'd dome this. He he had started to flirt with you within that office space or in dark alleyways. The attraction between you had only grown more.

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