Epilogue: Entrance Exam (un-edit)

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(Y/n/n) was at a small cafe to meet with a job recruiter. The interview itself has gone very well. You'd answered all the right questions, providing your licenses and resume.

He was very impressed with elegance and the way you carried yourself. A true professional.

There were a limited number of places that would accept individuals with special abilities, but he was certain there was one that would be right in your alley.

He'd contact the place and see if he could put in a good word, but he couldn't make any guarantees. The rest depended on your performance. It was more than enough.

It was better than the alternative of working in a higher government or the special division.

You were passing through the gates when you spotted a familiar man with dark hair, a cap, and detective robes wandering around alone. You'd recognise him anywhere.

Rampo Edagawa.

You decided to approach him and ask if he needed any help. It wasn't long until you were helping him get a train ticket and took him to the right train, which so happened to be the same one you were catching.

He may be the smartest being alive, but even people had their limits. You knew from experience that some people were born with poor navigation and got lost easily.

His eyes opened for a simple moment to reveal green colour. Reading you like a book. In that short seconds. He learnt a lot about you.

Your past life hadn't been an easy one. Hardship and lost your life. Recarnated into a bad environment but able to make a lofe for yourself.

Even though you'd been involved with the worst people. You'd remained resilient and loved with someone. You'd recently had help to get out of that life and a fresh start to look for work.

You expected nothing less from the greatest detective.

He closed his eyes and smiled. Boasting about his incredible ability.

The bus pulled up at your stop. You shot up and started to head out with Ranpo, following close to your side. He still needed help to get to the workplace safely.

You knew your way around Yokohoma, so it wasn't hard to find the cafe and the workplace.

You luckily had one of the sweet candies in your briefcase and gave it to him. He accepted it with a thanks and pipped it in his mouth.

Ascending the stairs and arriving at a door. You knocked. The door opened, revealing a woman with dark bobbed hair with a butterfly clip and professional uniform.

A medical professional, a former medical veteran, and an employee of the detective arms agency. She greeted Ranpo.

She noticed you standing there enext to him. "Whose this?"

"This is (n/l/n) (y/n/n). Found me at the station and helped me find way back, Yosano, " Ranpo said.

The woman introduced herself as Yosano and thanked you for helping Ranpo back in one piece. You were glad to help.

You were about to excuse yourself and leave when you were invited inside for a cup of tea. As a small token of appreciation.

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