Chapter 16: Dragons Head Conflict

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A/n: Warning: There will be mentions of blood, death, and murder.

A month later. The mafias seclusion and time for rest were at an end. Another war was about to begin in Yokohoma's underworld. One that would bring endless shooting, blood shed, and a mountain of casualties.

The Dragon Head Conflict. Eighty eight days of war between the Port Mafia and other criminal groups in the underworld over a fortune

You'd made the necessary preparations for the workplace temporarily closure, your employees were on leave and notice to any clients you'd be in the mafia building for a while.

The small cheap apartment leash was up. Paid the fee. It was easier said than done to pack everything into a backpack and overnight bag and moved some things into a secure location.

You'd given advance notice to your high school you be away for 'work reasons' and collected any homework assignments and exams.

You assured the principal and teachers there'd be an adult present when you did the exam to ensure you would not cheat on it.


In the early hours of dawn, the news arrived. A rich man had died, leaving behind an enormous sum of money. However, without a will or person to inherit it.

It was free for all.

Mori gave out his orders to the entire Port Mafia organisation to be armed and protect their territory from the other groups. Anyone who could shoot a gun. Dazai, Chuuya, Ozaka, The Colonel, Oda, and many more people.

A group would be sent on a secret mission.

Another would be assigned an important task to protect the headquarters. The last line of defence against enemies.

You knew some would survive whilst others didn't.

Since it would be dangerous to venture through the war zone. Ango had made arrangements for sleeping mats to be placed in the archives with rations.

You were prepared for several nights, stay at headquarters, and possibly overtime with extra supplies of your own.

The ground floor would be crowded with people running in and out of the building, some with errands whilst others dealing with the injured and dead. It'd be pandemonium.

There was a rare chance that we had to leave the archive for brief breaks, always with an escort and a hidden handgun and make out the sound of noises, booms, and gunshots outside.

Flashing lights in the dark.

It was almost like the neutral war all over again but different. Despite being under the mafias protection and safe high off the ground. One ally within the building.

You were among dangerous people who have come from different walks of life and reasons for being here.

You could only imagine the others out there risking their lives.

Dazai was out there among them, fighting and ine step ahead with plans.

In one of the four towers, you knew the real enemy dwelled in his office. Rarely leaving it except for work or personal reasons. The one who had hired you and your services.

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