Chapter 9 Sixteenth ARC

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Warning: There will be potential spoilers for Stormbringer novel. You guys have been warned.


WALKING ALONG THE STREETS OF THE Underworld, a teenage girl with grey hair and professional business ware walked into a small business store being greeted by staff.

Reflect back. It had been a whole year since the fifteen arc. The two boys crossed paths to sometimes working together and stopped the sheep.

You'd crossed paths with them within that time. Your kidnapping, the death of scumbagz the war on the neutral district and forming contract with the port mafia.

The drug case, the dance, and graduating middle school.

A lot had happened since then. As it would be a challenging first few months surviving in the mafia territory. Your sources kept you on the loop.

You were no close to uncovering the identity of the person the man had contact with. The one who knew your former identity.

But you did rule out the informant fiance backer and assistant.

Over the holiday break. One of the five executives asked you to accompany them to some European countries to extend the mafia's influence.

But it was also a chance to put your new langaguge skills and knowledge to the test. You far exceeded expectations.

What's more, you were able to create new contacts and sources into your growing network.

But also in preparation for future adult self and events that were to transpire in the future. You only had two more years until you were eighteen.

The international trip was not without its own dangers and risks. You'd been held hostage again and poisioned three times by rival criminal agencies.

You gained some scars along your arms and the side of your neck. Yet made Jo effort to conceal them.

You, thankfully, were well prepared with antidotes. The souls were unfortunate enough to encounter the executive and killed off.

When you both returned to Japan and the workplace in Port Mafia territory. It wasn't long until you experienced new problems.

Not three but four times, some of the new recruits were disrespecting the rules in place.

Demanding more than estimated protection money. You'd checked with one of the highest mafia of there had been any changes while you were away. They hadn't made changes.

The new lackeys were mooching the protection money and said money had been disappearing into thin air.

Another red flag. You'd done your research and gathered evidence.

They were gambling away the protection money meant for the Port Mafia.

They had abused their authority to shoot one of your employees when you were working with an important client, creating a commotion. You, as the owner of the establishment, asked them to leave.

Once you reported the strange incidents to Ozaki. It wasn't long until the new lackeys that had been causing trouble disappeared without a trace.

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