Chapter 10 The Funeral (un-edit)

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Amidst the destruction of Arubaki. A lone figure approached the ebony ball of energy and pressed a single fingertip against it.

A ribbon of blue light appeared around the ball and nullified its power before it could spread to nearby areas.

The ball reverted the ball back to the human form of a red-haired teenager with a ball jacket, white shirt, and pants. Ripped in some places.

The fedora was missing.

The dark-haired male, Dazai, grabbed the ankle of the injured boy's pants and dragged him out of the new crater.

Chuuya was in and out of consciousness, barely making a sound as his head hit the ground.

Dazai dragged Chuuya through the twists and turns of the alleyway until they stopped before a bar.

Then, he dropped him uncermonisly to the hard pavement and disappeared ad quickly as he had appeared.

The males blue yes looked through the broken doorway to see spilled crimson blood. He forced himself to his feet and into the place. Into horror and death.

From what one of your sources had told you, He had found broken furniture and dead bodies.

He had heard The Doc's testimony they had been tricked and attacked by the French spy. None of them had stood a chance against him.

In those final moments. He hung onto false hope of saving another person's life and died in front of him.

Chuuya experienced loss of comrades. Reminding him of the cost of being a mafisoco. Don't get attached.

The five wolves were no more. The youth association and The Flags were at an end.


Word reached Port Mafia of the loss of five members. Funeral arrangements had been made, and the guest listed them together.

You had somehow received an invite to attend the funeral service.

You used to provide information to them and any of serviced ahen theh needed it. But we weren't personally close to any of them.

Which could only mean someone lf higher position had invited you. One good guess who it could be and didn't like it. You had to tread lightly.

It was common sense to pay your respects to your late clients. Even if that meant being in a room full of mafiscos from various ranks to the big boss himself.

You were smart enough to conceal weapons on your person and memorise the layout of the small church beforehand.

You sat in the pew towards the back clad in a black outfit with a small hat with a veil obscuring your facial features. Not many people played you any mind.

You saw some men in black and white suits wlaj past with a single figure in the centre.

One of the protocols you'd learnt about mafiosco. The ones with the most power came into the building last with their bodyguard and the first to leave.

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