Chapter 13 Dragon (un-edit)

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In a forest on the outskirts of Yokohoma. A train travelling at high speed along the railway, the driver's main task was to transport a VIP passenger to a safe house.

They didn't know who it was or why the passenger was travelling alone but had paid a lot of money for his services. He didn't ask any questions.

The train rattled on the tracks but held steady. That was until something crashed into the side one of the carriages, and again.

They were under attack.

The passengers life came before his own. Tried to keep the trian steady. Bit it wasn't enough. One of the attached carriages derailed, and the rest came down with it.

The last thing the driver saw was glass crashing and metal closing in around him, crushing his body and coughed, blood spilling put his mouth onto his chin.

His life flashed before his eyes. Only gratitude, even if he dies here, at least  his family will have food on the table.


Paul Verlaine broke through the side of the carriage and fighting who he thought to be Ougai Mori. That was until the black hair wig fell off, revealing an elderly man.

This was not the man who had the top position of  the port mafia with a growing influence and iron grip of the Underwolrd of Yokohoma.

Had Verlaine been tricked by his source? It appeared so. But did ask the decoy his name, the man introduced himself as Higuchi.

Voices shouting close to the carriage. He could either kill Higuchi and risk facing the mafisco Or retreat and live to fight later. He won't have a second chance to do so again.

Paul Verlaine jumped out the metal contraption and into the darkness of the trees. He'd need to reevelauate the next step.


Two executives and Dazai arrived at the train in time to see a figure escape into the woods, and older man scrambled out the side of the large hole. Black wig in hand.

Dazai was about to say something when he was interrupted and advised to step aside.

It was a woman with a traditional red yukuta, Ozaka, and an older man with a muscular figure, the Colonel. An ability user with a mineral liquid ability.

They decided to take command of the next phrase and sent some of their best fighters after the enemy.


On a nearby hill, a teenager with soft grey hair with cold (e/c) eyes looked through a pair of binoculars at the forest below. On the next rock over sat a teenage boy with dark brown locks, bandages, and a trenchcoat who'd joined them.

Mori had instructed Dazai to observe as his proxy and report anything back to Mori had instructed Dazai to observe as his proxy and report anything back to him.

(Y/n/n) had aided Dazai to receive Chuuya from the labs  Mori thought it best for them to accompany him and observe the situation.

Hirotsu soon joined you, both silently turning his attention to the forest below and watching.

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