Deleted scene: Hostage

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You'd been in the warehouse for two days, one night, fifteen minutes, and five seconds.

You were bored out of your mind.

Staring at the floor, walls, or even stray light across the floor. the blood on the ground had dried and had faint metallic smell in the air.

You had noome to talk to.

You'd would've used your lock picking kit to break the cuffs and escape, but unfortunately, you'd been picked clean of the mini kit and weapon from person.

Lit boss has been by, he'd found out you were an informant, no longer protected. He'd made an 'offer' to hire yiu as an informant. Do your job. Get paid.

When that failed. He resorted to demanding information on who your clients were to classify information you may have.

You said nothing. That's not how your business worked. Of wanted something he had to offer you something in return. What he wanted was one-sided benefit to him.

"No deal."

He didn't like that reply, responding with punching you in a few places and scratched with a knife.

He came back two hours later with the same question with the offer.

You didn't respond.

He slapped you in the face. Your head turned sideways. Cheek stinging.

He walked out of the room.

You heard not long after you'd learn that another criminal organisation had shown up on the edge of the territory, and a fight broke out.

Just great.

You heard a loud banging in the distance. Another.


sound downstairs and doors coming off the hangings.

Loud noises.

Gunshots ringing out.

Was there some sort of war going on downstairs?

Heard a lot of enemy guards mention a crime organisation broken into the mansion and armed.

You thought it couldn't be good.

You wanted to pull against the chains and shout for someone to take cuffs off of you.

You hadn't eaten in days and dehydrated. Low on energy.

Bruises on your body from being beaten up because you wouldn't give free information on another organisation. It was one-sided.

Nor was it how your business worked. If wanted something, they'd have to offer something equal value.

Back to present.

You heard the sound of heavy boots running around outside. One of the boss's command squadrons ran past the door.

You knew wouldn't be able to get far in your state. You'd be caught and killed or killed on sight.

Ice Heart / Dazai Osamu X Reader (BSD)Where stories live. Discover now