Chapter 6 The Contract Part 2

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It was really happening. You'd agree to become an informant for the Port Mafia.

But it was only in verbal.

Forming a contract with a single organisation that was becoming a rising presence in the underworld of Yokohoma.

Steps needed to be taken.

It requires incredibly thorough, detailed, and precision. There is no room for error.

One wrong move, and you'd be kicked to the kerb and be shot dead with three bullets.


After you accept the job. The mafisocs had taken you to a private location. You were able to get a change of clothes and clean up and paperwork together.

Entering a dark room. You were faced with the two teenage mafiscos. Sat down oppose to them, placing the paperwork down before you.

"Let's begin the negotiate the terms of the contract, shall we?" You said.

Your cold (e/c) looked up to meet blank brown and steel eyes of the two mafiscos before you.

"Hai." They said. The two would be representing the Port Mafia and responsible for making the contract with you.

"As you'll be be informant for the Port Mafia. I believe introductions are in order. " Dazai was straight to the point.

That it is.

You already knew their names, but for the sake of formalities, you needed to play along, and it wouldn't hurt to be finally introduced in person.

"Osamu Dazai." The dark-haired male with bandage over one eye, his arms and neck said.

He was a witness to the 'passing' of the previous mafia boss and Mori taking on the mantle.

You already knew who he was.

"Nakaya Chuuya." Was all the orange haired male said.

The former leader and King of sheep.

He has a reputation for being a strong ability user.

It was your turn. You knew they'd need a name to add to their record and secretly look into the background as per mafia protocol.

"Fake name. Fake last name. Although my clients call me Ice Queen. " You said. Earning silent, disbelieving looks on their faces.

"It doesn't sound like a legit name." Dazai observed.

Five points to Osamu.

"It's not." You admitted. "However, what my birth name used to be or why changed it doesn't matter, does it?" You questioned with a neutral poker face.

Your clients didn't care much for names. Only the job was important.

"I guess it doesn't. We'll put it under the fake name and alias. "

"Arigato." You said politely.

You'd do what you can to keep your real new name hidden from them and the mafia. Didn't want then sniffing around your personal life outside work.

Ice Heart / Dazai Osamu X Reader (BSD)Where stories live. Discover now