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The sun shone brightly, increasing the temperature dramatically. I was in the yard with Jay, helping him with his bike when Simone called me.

"You need a new chain." I told him, tugging at the rusting chain, "You can't go on with this one, it's skipping gears. That isn't good for travel. Will you ask your mom to buy a new one?"

Jay sighed, "No." He said wiping the beads of sweat off his forehead. The weather is getting warmer and it's kind of frustrating. Especially during afternoon classes, everyone wants to sleep and having subjects like English, Math and physics at that time is very annoying.

"I'll use my savings to buy a new one." Jay said inspecting his vehicle, "I think I have enough."

I nodded, "Alright then, it's settled. Just get a new chain and it'll be okay."

"Thanks Gwen." Jay smiled, "I really appreciate it."

"No problem."

"Gwen!" A voice called from afar. I turned to look and saw my cousin Simone standing there with a small smile. "My mom wants to talk to you."

I mentally rolled my eyes, "What is it this time?"

"Nothing." Simone assured, "We just need to have a quick chat."

"I'll be there in a minute." I sighed waving Simone off, Jay looked at the two of us with a small smirk.

Simone hesitated but eventually left, I heard the small patter of her sandals fade away into the distance.

I wondered why my aunt wanted to talk to me.

Ever since the Thomas incident, Aunt Cecilia has been on edge. 

It has been three months since I moved to Narviven.

Three months since my life took a turn for the worst.

"Gwen!!!" Simone called again and I groaned.


"No! Now!" She insisted. I huffed and threw my head back sighing, Jay laughed.

"What!?" I glared.

"Nothing." The boy shrugged, he looked back at the hallway, probably trying to see if Simone had gone, "I think you should go now." He said, "Simone doesn't like to be kept waiting."

He was right, Simone is very impatient.

After saying 'goodbye' to Jay, I went up to my apartment where Aunt Cecilia and Simone were waiting for me.

Aunt Cecilia was sitting with folded arms, her left leg bouncing up and down nervously. My mom used to do that too. Her laptop was placed open on the table and her steaming cup of black coffee sat beside it. 

"Gwen," she began, "I need to talk to you."

I paused. What was it this time? It couldn't be anything good. No, nothing good at all.

"Of course." I nodded, taking a seat opposite Simone. She was on her phone texting somebody.

"What's wrong?" I asked, "If it's my concentration in class again I-"

"It's not just that." Aunt Cecilia interrupted, "Simone and I have talked about your situation and have come to the conclusion that you need a little," she paused and glanced around the room as if looking for the right word, "guidance."

"What do you mean?" I asked feeling slightly uncomfortable in my seat. I fidgeted and bounced my foot.

Aunt Cecilia exhaled, "I have paid for some sessions with a psychiatrist-"

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