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Once I got to school the next day, the first thing I did was search for Michelle and Jay. After some minutes I found them in the school gym sitting beside each other wordlessly with traumatized expressions like they had just witnessed the end of the world or at the very least, a murder. Soon, they noticed me. Jay waved over while Michelle just kind of stared blankly.

"Hey guys." I greeted, removing my bag from my shoulder, "Are you okay? I didn't see you after-"

"We're fine." Michelle said calmly, staring off dozily into the distance, her arms crossed in a protective way around her stomach. "Just a bit shocked."

I apologized, "Yes, I'm so sorry. This is kind of what I have to deal with." I sat next to Jay who hadn't said a word yet.

"What were those things?" My blonde classmate inquired, snapping her head back to me. "They weren't insects. I would've heard them and seen them. Jay didn't see them either, but you did. I don't understand. It's Just-You. Those scars were real, the pain was real, I felt it. It wasn't a hallucination-"

"I don't know what exactly they were." I shrugged, "But I do know they are part of the spirit world since I was the only one who could see them. I hope you aren't too hurt."

Michelle didn't respond to that statement, her blue eyes widened with shock as if she had just realized something important, "There's no- it can't-I -who? How? I just...IT'S ALL REAL!?"

I glanced at Jay then focused on Michelle again, raising an eyebrow in confusion, "Erm, yes you know that-"

"No." Said Jay shaking his head, "We didn't believe in all those...things you told us! How could we? We only played along to avoid hurting your feelings. Unlike some people." I knew he was talking about Simone.

This came as a shock to me. They didn't believe? I was sure they did. I guess it makes more sense now. Why Michelle didn't tell her father about the house or why they didn't believe me when I talked about Ms. Marge.

I looked down at my hands in my laps, thinking as I fiddled with my fingers. My train of thoughts was interrupted by Michelle suddenly shooting up. Jay and I stood up too, looking around as if there was danger.

She spoke, "We have to tell Simone!" Michelle exclaimed, taking my hands in her's, "Those...things that attacked me yesterday! They-it was all real and we- we can't just sit around. She has to know! About the divide!"

"DIVISION." I corrected.

Michelle nodded, "Yeah that!"

Jay nodded in agreement. I just stared, still thinking of what he had said.

They played along because they knew it would make me happy. They hadn't known me for that long and they played along for my well-being. Simone, my cousin didn't.

I guess them not believing me makes some sense. I wouldn't believe me either. In fact, sometimes in bed, I question my sanity when I think of the DIVISION. 

"Gwen?" Michelle called waving her hand in front of my face and snapping me out of my thoughts, "Yes?"

She grabbed my wrist and dragged me away. Jay followed us as we headed to Simone's class.


"Guys seriously, I have to go! I don't have time for-"

"Will you just listen!" Michelle snapped stepping in front of Simone with crossed arms. My cousin sighed and stopped in her tracks with an annoyed expression.

Now that she had her attention, Michelle spoke, "Yesterday, I got attacked by forest creatures from the-"

Simone sighed, interrupting Michelle. She rubbed her temple and groaned, "Not this again. I hope this isn't a jo-"

"It's not a joke! Just listen. I got attacked by spiritual pixie-like creatures in the woods. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I have the scars to prove it." Michelle continued rolling up one of the sleeves of her pink leather jacket to reveal some scars that were already healing up. Simone inspected the marks while adjusting her glasses.

She shrugged, "That could be from anything. How do I know you're actually telling the truth?"

"Erm because of the proof I just showed you! Are you blind!?"

Simone scoffed and shook her head, "I'm not an idiot. Those could be insect bites or even makeup! How am I supposed to believe that a bunch of spirit creatures attacked you in the woods yesterday?"

With narrowed eyes, Michelle crossed her arms and tilted her head, "Okay, since you're so smart, name one insect whose bite looks like this."

Simone was stuck, she struggled for a while with the question before giving up. "It could be makeup. Good makeup."

Michelle stared, "Tell me how-"

Before anything could start, I came in between the two girls, "It's nothing to argue about. Simone, please believe me. I'm not lying. It's not a joke. The ghosts, creatures, Legion. It's all real. Everything is real and I need your help with it."

The curly haired girl was about to say something but was interrupted by Jay, "Simone, I understand that this looks crazy, and it really is but...I saw it with my own eyes. The air was biting Michelle. It wasn't a dream or a figment of our imaginations. Have some faith. Why would we lie to you? Why would your cousin lie to you?"

She shook her head, not taking even a millisecond to think about what Jay said. Simone had made up her mind, "I don't know." She was talking to Jay but staring straight at me with a disappointed glare. I felt like someone had just stomped on me with huge rainboots, "Now," my cousin went on, hooking her bag onto her shoulders, "If you would excuse me, I have a class to get to."

She left after shooting me another glare. Michelle shot a glare of her own at Simone while Jay just sighed.

I guess there's no convincing my cousin.

Michelle turned to me with a determined expression, "Gwen, we are ready to support you in this whole thing. Are we telling the police? The local newspaper? You would be a star!"

I smiled at her enthusiasm and shook my head, "No, nothing like that. Just like Simone, they won't believe me."

"A-Are we really sure this whole thing is real?" Jay was still skeptical. Michelle raised an eyebrow at him and showed him her bites, "Yes. You were there. You saw. It's crazy but it's real. Very real."

He looked at me for confirmation and I nodded.

"Well then. I guess I'm doing this. Even if it isn't real, at least I have something to do other than play games, skate and study." He said making Michelle roll her eyes.

"We should give our group a name!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"That's a little childish." Jay snickered.

The blonde ignored him, "I can be the sassy one, Gwen can be the magic one and Jay the dumb one!"

"Hey! I got a C in Math!"

Michelle went on, "Simone would've been the smart one but she doesn't believe in the erm-"

"DIVISION." I helped.

"Yeah! I won't forget this time! You need to tell us all about it from the beginning okay! This is kind of like an adventure! There are dangerous things, right? Should I be worried about those? How do you see ghosts? Are they nice or are some mean? Can I meet one?" My friend rambled on and on gesturing wildly. 

"...Oh, and you were also telling us about a cult-"

"The Legion."

"Yes and erm...Ms. Marge?"

"Yeah." I nodded, "I think she may be stealing bodies from the mortuary-" I said the last part slowly and quietly.


Michelle looked terrified, "She can't do that? Why would she do that?" She inquired panicked and I shrugged.

I turned my attention to Jay who looked like he was going to be sick.

"I think- I think I may have an idea."

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