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It was now Saturday. I had spent my entire week trying to find some sort of information on Ms. Marge but unfortunately nothing came up.

She isn't on any socials, has no criminal record or awards.

So, she's kind of like a normal lunch lady.

But, she isn't, I know that. She is stealing bodies from the mortuary!

"Gwen, you're early." Michael beamed at me, flashing his emerald greens in my direction as he looked up from his desktop. I immediately perked up and tried to return the kind gesture.

"Y-Yes." I stuttered.

Michael looked around the empty waiting room with a confused expression, "Did your cousin come with you today?" He questioned and I shook my head in response. I went over to the chairs and took a seat, plopping myself down with a huff.

The blonde assistant wrote something in a notebook before meeting my gaze, "Dr. Blanc will be with you shortly." He said and I nodded.

As Michael worked, I watched him. Every action he made was just perfect, like it was planned out ahead of time. The way he calculated, typed and even sat just seemed beautiful to me for no reason.

I don't understand it.

I didn't know how long I'd been admiring him for until he stared at me with a smug grin, "Like what you see?" He smirked and I froze, heart beating rapidly in my chest. I could feel my cheeks betraying me already as they heated up coating my face in a pathetic embarrassed blush.

I decided to speak, because staying silent wouldn't help my situation at all, "N-no-I mean yes you're cool and all but not in that way-I meant to say you're bea- I mean I zoned out."

Should've stayed silent...

Michael chuckled at my weirdness, "Don't worry Gwen, I was just teasing you." His expression turned serious, "Something on your mind?"

"No." I lied, looking down at my high tops.

What was I supposed to say? 'Oh yes actually, this new lunch lady in my school is in a cult and I have to stop her from stealing bodies.'

"There is something on your mind." He concluded, looking hard at me, "You know, if you're comfortable you can tell me. I know I'm not your therapist but I'm around your age. I was fifteen not so long ago so I know how hard things can get."

I shook my head, "No, it's okay. Thanks Michael."

He smiled, "No problem. Just know I'm here if you need me."

My heart fluttered at that; a swarm of butterflies had a festival in my stomach.

It was cringe...These thoughts I was having but, I couldn't stop them. I can't. They just happen.

At that moment, it hit me.

Michelle was right.

I like Michael.


The sound of Dr. Blanc's door opening with a creak snapped me out of my thoughts. A blue-haired boy came out of her room, wearing a black hoody. He looked around my age, maybe a little older.

The boy glared before leaving.


I went into the room and Dr.Blanc greeted me with a smile, I gave a brief smile back and I think she could tell it was fake.

For about an hour, we talked about my life, and I managed to tell her about the accident.

"That must've been hard for you." Dr.Blanc empathized giving me a sincere look which I appreciated. I had no response to her statement, so I just stared blankly at my folded hands. She moved on, "Alright then. Have you seen any ghosts lately or heard any voices?" She inquired.

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